Theme called “PressBook Masonry Blogs” but I suppose it doesn’t matter.
It sure does. In fact, it is the ONLY thing that matters in your specific case.
I don’t want to make additional static page with text + blog block there
You can have one of two kinds of “Homepage” in WordPress.
— The default is the POSTS/Blog format, which simply lists your latest blog posts. This is your current setup.
— The alternative is to designate a static PAGE as your homepage, and put whatever you want on it, including the latest posts and pretty much anything else you want. This is what you say you don’t want to do.
With either option above, themes (and plugins) can “take over” and either replace everything on the homepage (irrespective of the above configuration), or inject their own content into what’s already on the homepage.
And it seems your theme has exactly this feature: the free version of the theme you’re using includes a “Header Block 1” feature that allows you to add any content you want, and this can be restricted to show on the homepage only.
There are two parts to this.
The first step… Create a PATTERN:
- Scroll down the page and under “Header Block Area” select PATTERNS. This will open a new browser tab.
- Click “Add New” to create a new pattern, This will open the standard WordPress block editor for you to create a new pattern. If you see a “Set pattern sync status” pop-up, uncheck “Synced” and create the pattern.
- Give your pattern any title (that’s only for reference), and put in the “Welcome message” that you want to display on the homepage. You can add anything you want here, including any standard block, text, image, video, etc.
- When you’re done, PUBLISH your pattern and close this tab.
The second step, display the PATTERN you created on your homepage:
- Scroll down the page and under “Header Block Area” again, but, this time, select “HEADER BLOCKS”. This opens the WordPress Customizer panel.
- In the free version of the theme, you’ll have only one header block named “Header Block 1”. Click the “Select a Block” drop-down menu and choose the PATTERN you created previously.
- Make sure BOTH “Show in Front Page” and “Show in Blog Page” are selected. Select any other option you desire here.
- PUBLISH the changes
That should display the content of the PATTERN you created on top of your posts on your homepage.
I hope that helps. If you need further help, feel free to ask.
Alternatively, you may post in the Pressbook Masonry Blogs theme’s own support forum so the theme’s author and user community can help you:
Good luck!