• Hi,

    In my site I have some categories for posts, and I want to add for the end user easier way to publish and view posts from the admin menu.
    I want to add in the admin menu different sections for each post categories, so if for example one category posts is products and other post category is events, so that there will be in the admin panel “events” and “products” menus, that inside will show only the posts from that specified category.
    I don’t want to use plugins like flutters etc. to create different write panels, since these posts don’t have something special , just they are in diofferent categories. Is there a wayy to do it with a plugin or with adding some functions to the functions.php of the template or core, or any other way?



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  • Thread Starter maorb


    I tried to use this plugin now, it’s not exactly what I’m looking for. I need somethig that will make me new menu in the admin panel for each of the posts’ categories.
    This plugin creates some post templates , but I can’t get and see all the posts in the specified category, for example.
    That’s true that in the edit posts there is a display filter for categories, but I want it to be more simpler for the end user to use. So I need a menu with a category name, and inside to have “add post” and “edit post” – just like the regular posts menu, but each one to be already filtered.

    Another thing about this plugin is that its free version is not going to be updated anymore, since they went to commercial versions now, which means that no further support will be for this plugin and that it may have some bugs in the future with WP versions, so I prefer not start working with a plugin that I know there is no support for…

    Is there any other ideas for the issue?


    I think the problem I’m facing is a similar one. Or, at least, similar enough to merit a reply to this thread:

    In short, I’m using Flutter for special posts (“events,” etc.), and want those posts (which have their own categories) to stay out of the main “Edit Posts” view. Thus, I’d like to either:

    • Filter by default the master “Edit Posts” panel so it only shows posts in category “Blog Posts,” or
    • Make a new, top-level Admin panel that automatically displays just the posts in category “Blog Posts.”

    Any ideas? I’ve searched for a couple hours for a plugin or function to achieve either of these, but to no avail. Thanks!

    Used this to list out posts by specific category under the Posts heading…

    add_action('admin_menu', 'product_menu');
    function product_menu() {
    add_submenu_page('edit.php', 'Products', 'Products', 'manage_options', 'edit.php?category_name=products' ); }
    Thread Starter maorb


    @kayjayone – great, thanks!

    That is exactly the hook I was looking too.
    Well, nowadays I can have a custom post type, which wasn’t available 8 months ago, but this is still great solution if just separating via categories and not always needing the custom post type..


    Thread Starter maorb


    Well, it is still not perfect.. I tried it now and when I click on the new submenu item it does show me only posts in the certain category, but still the main edit posts remains with the class="current" on it’s li and a elements, so the new submenu doesn’t get the focus visually, which is not so good in terms of user usability.
    Is there a way to remove the classes and add them to the new submenu when it is selected?


    Not sure about removing the classes. Ended up changing to this solution which gives each post type it’s own top level menu, might alleviate the class issue…


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