• Was happy to see the new special tags feature added and the new special tag for _site_admin_email.

    I would like to request a similar one for the network admin (on a multiuser site); that’s what I use as the FROM field in contact form 7.

    I can actually achieve this with a custom tag, EXCEPT that contactform 7 complains when it comes to checking if the email address is the same as the server.

    Can i suggest that a filter be added for checkign if email is in site domain?

    It would be added in formatting.php in function “function wpcf7_is_email_in_site_domain( $email ) ” and the code would look like this near bottom of function:

    change from “return false” to
    ” $result = false;
    $result = apply_filters( ‘wpcf7_is_email_in_site_domain’, $result, $email );
    return $result;

    In this way, we could override the result of the domain email check.

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