• I’m creating a CPT with some pre-defined blocks and I’m doing this via functions.php. I have all the blocks needed, but I’m a little stuck on getting one for this plugin setup the way I want.

    I want to utilize the ‘global preset option’ so that for every CPT Post my client adds the gallery settings are the same. However the client (as it stands right now) always has to toggle the ‘Global Preset Priority’ every time. I would like to have this toggled by default, using something like the following…

    array( 'pgcsimplygalleryblock/grid', array(
    	'sliderItemTitleEnable' => 'true',
    ), array()),

    But I don’t see a setting for ‘Global Preset Priority’ that I can set to true or false. Does this setting exist, and what would it be?


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  • Plugin Author GalleryCreator


    “Global Preset Priority” option it is block attribute – ‘useClobalSettings’
    blocks.build.js – this file contains this object and its property values.

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