• https://www.ahbacktohealth.com is my website. I’d like to ad 2 things to it and am unsure if this is even possible or not. The first feature I’d like to ad would be an image that it not square and is not 98% obscured by content. At present it seems like I can ad a small square logo or a background that is 98% obscured by the site, and I’d like to be able to ad an image in a way similar to the images displayed on the sample site. I realize expecting to be able to duplicate all the features on the sample site is naive, would adding a single picture be possible? If so, how would this be done?
    The other thing I would like to do would be to ad a way for new patients to download forms. This is not shown on the sample site but would be beneficial to me. Is it possible to ad this feature to this site? If so how would it be done?

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