You can do that but you’ll need to set up a child theme first.
Here’s a link to the WordPress codex or you can watch a tutorial video here.
So this is the end result I made :
When your child theme is set up you’ll need to copy the header.php from the Sela parent theme into your child theme folder. You can do this with an FTP editor or via Cpanel.
Next, open the header.php file you copied into your child theme and add this line of code below line 34.
<img class="site-logo" src="https://iluvbethanni.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/iluvbethannilogo-e1441069128257.png">
You’ll need to replace the image url with your own image logo url.
Here’s a link to paste bin with the entire header.php file so you can see the change.
Finally, add a few line of codes to your child theme’s style.css file.
.site-logo {
float: left;
width: 20%;
ul.nav-menu {
margin-top: 15px;
width: 80%;
Depending on the size of your logo you may need to adjust the width attributes.
I hope that helps!
Luke the Daft Duke