• Hello,
    Can someone help me add my logo to the header bar/menu bar. I am using the seal theme. I just built my website about a week ago so i am still new to this.

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  • Hi there!

    In your admin dashboard go to Appearance – > Customize and click on ‘Header Image’. You can select a new image from your media library or upload one.

    I hope that helps!

    Luke the Daft Duke

    Thread Starter briawhite11


    Thanks I’ve tried that but I want the logo next to the menu not above it. Heres an example of what I mean:https://iluvbethanni.com

    Her logo is next to her menu.


    You can do that but you’ll need to set up a child theme first.

    Here’s a link to the WordPress codex or you can watch a tutorial video here.

    So this is the end result I made :


    When your child theme is set up you’ll need to copy the header.php from the Sela parent theme into your child theme folder. You can do this with an FTP editor or via Cpanel.

    Next, open the header.php file you copied into your child theme and add this line of code below line 34.

    <img class="site-logo" src="https://iluvbethanni.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/iluvbethannilogo-e1441069128257.png">

    You’ll need to replace the image url with your own image logo url.

    Here’s a link to paste bin with the entire header.php file so you can see the change.

    Finally, add a few line of codes to your child theme’s style.css file.

    .site-logo {
      float: left;
      width: 20%;
    ul.nav-menu {
      margin-top: 15px;
      width: 80%;

    Depending on the size of your logo you may need to adjust the width attributes.

    I hope that helps!

    Luke the Daft Duke

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi daftduke – thanks for the tutorial!

    briawhite11 – If you prefer not to go the child theme route, there’s simple way to a site logo in Sela, since it supports the Jetpack logo out of the box. Just activate the Jetpack plugin and you’ll get the option to add a logo in the Customizer’s Site Title, Tagline, and Logo panel.

    The logo will be above the menu, but you can reposition it with some CSS, using the Custom CSS editor in Jetpack.

    Let us know if you need further help.

    Thread Starter briawhite11


    Kathryn-what CSS can I use to do it your way, and where would I put it.


    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Could you please go ahead and add the logo to your site and provide a link to the site so we can take a look?

    Thread Starter briawhite11


    Ok logo has been added .

    my site is

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    I’m not seeing a Jetpack site logo.

    Could you go into your Customizer’s panel titled “Site Title, Tagline, and Logo” and upload the logo there?

    Hello Everyone

    Please help

    I wanted to do the same for my site. I use codilight lite as my theme and already create a child theme for it. Now, I wanted to replace the default home button icon with my own website logo. I managed to change it but it wont expand. I don’t really know much about coding but I’m sure I’m a quick learner so I hope I’ll manage to get it quickly.

    I am trying to not use plugins for this because it is already there, I just have to tweak it a little.

    Stop by: https://www.asy-syaamil.tk
    Thank you

    @fauzan814: This forum is for questions surrounding the Sela theme.

    Please can you start a new thread on the Codilight Lite theme’s forum for help with your question? You can find that forum here:


    In addition, you can find a contact form here on the theme’s website:


    The team behind the theme will be in the best position to help you with your question as they’re the most familiar with its code and design.

    @siobhan Bamber: Thank you very much, I’ll do your advice.

    Hi Guys, need assistance in developing my website – Sunworldsystems.in
    Want to attach logo to navigation bar to hide logo white background.

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