• Resolved DigitalBirtles


    Hi! I got myself a blog! woho!

    but im in over my head and the days of normal html are far gone. I got this theme that i really like called
    WaterMark and I have been trying to add a couple of liks to the header.. but im stuck. So far I have found that the links arent in the header.php at all.. And another thing; I made a page called welcome, (page, not a post) and would like it to be the first thing “you” see when going to my site. So to sum it up; i want my menu to look like this;

    Welcome | Client based Projects | Photoblog | Contact

    Client based Projects and photoblog are going to link to my second and third installation of wordpress where the same theme will be installed.

    If you can help me it would be much appreciated!! im a total noob. sorry..

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  • Setting up your welcome page as the home page is really easy. First, if you want your blog to appear on another page called “Photoblog”, you need to create a Page called “Photoblog”. don’t add any content to the Page, just give it a title and publish it.

    Then you just need to go to the Settings Reading SubPanel, and select the radio button for “A static page”, then choose “Welcome” from the “Front page” drop down menu. Then for the “Posts page”, select “Photoblog” from the drop down. Save your changes and you should be good to go!

    For the menu links in your header, are these to WordPress Pages, or are the external links to something or somewhere else?

    Because if you want a link for “Client based Projects” in your menu, you can just create a new Page called “Client based Projects” and then add your content. You can create all 4 Pages and you can change the order of the Pages in the Attributes box when you are editing your Pages.

    If you need to manually add a link to your menu to another website say, then you need to edit the code of your template, I suggest looking at this page in the Codex.

    Thread Starter DigitalBirtles


    Hi! thanks for the most excellent reply!

    I added “Photoblog” and “Client based Projects” to my header,
    and changed the front page to the “welcome” page.
    I also changed my post-page to “Client based projects.”

    My issue now is that i dont want a “Home” button, whenever i press that, it takes me back to the welcome page anyway. Is this home-button something i can remove from the header? And i would really like to change the order of the buttons. (But this is just nit-picking)

    I have 1 other wordpress installation on the server called “photoblog”, and i was thinking that by clicking “photoblog” on https://www.digitalbirtles.com it would take me to https://www.digitalbirtles.com/photoblog where the same layout and theme is applied to the wp-installation. There I would set the post-page to “photoblog”

    But how can i use the “photoblog” link in digitalbirtles.com to take me to digitalbirtles.com/photoblog? is that a .php hack? or something i can do from wordpress?

    Thread Starter DigitalBirtles



    only place in any script where i found the word “home” was here ( see beneath.) The weird thing is that when i removed the entire section and saved, the website still had the home button.. and as i said, this is the only place where “home” is found in any of the scripts…

    function art_menu_items($hierarchy)
    $home = ob_get_clean();
    echo ‘

    • <a’ . (is_page() ? ” : ‘ class=”active”‘) . ‘ href=”‘ . $home . ‘”><span><span>home</span></span>
    • ‘;
      if (!$hierarchy) add_action(‘get_pages’, ‘art_header_page_list_filter’);
      add_action(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘art_list_pages_filter’);
      remove_action(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘art_list_pages_filter’);
      if (!$hierarchy) remove_action(‘get_pages’, ‘art_header_page_list_filter’);

    Thread Starter DigitalBirtles


    ok, after a lot of testing i found that removing this removed the button..

    $home = ob_get_clean();
    echo ‘
    # <a’ . (is_page() ? ” : ‘ class=”active”‘) . ‘ href=”‘ . $home . ‘”><span><span>home</span></span>

    so it is weird that when i removed it all, the button was still there.

    anywho, im still stuck with this question:

    I have 1 other wordpress installation on the server called “photoblog”, and i was thinking that by clicking “photoblog” on https://www.digitalbirtles.com it would take me to https://www.digitalbirtles.com/photoblog where the same layout and theme is applied to the wp-installation. There I would set the post-page to “photoblog”

    But how can i use the “photoblog” link in digitalbirtles.com to take me to digitalbirtles.com/photoblog? is that a .php hack? or something i can do from wordpress?

    The theme you are using generates the navbar links in a rather goofy way. I don’t think it would be very easy to edit as it is.

    Because you want to remove a link, reorder the rest of the links, and add in a link to another install of WordPress; I think you will have less headaches if you just drop the dynamically generated navigation and coded your own in HTML.

    In your header.php file you have this line of code:

    <?php art_menu_items(false); ?>

    Right now that line of code generates this:

    <li class="page_item page-item-3"><a class="active" href="https://www.digitalbirtles.com/Photoblog/?page_id=3" title="Welcome"><span><span>Welcome</span></span></a></li>
    <li class="page_item page-item-9"><a href="https://www.digitalbirtles.com/Photoblog/?page_id=9" title="Photoblog"><span><span>Photoblog</span></span></a></li>
    <li class="page_item page-item-8"><a href="https://www.digitalbirtles.com/?page_id=65" title="Client Based Projects"><span><span>Client Based Projects</span></span></a></li>

    So you could replace that single line of PHP in your header with this list of links, reorder them how you want them, delete or rename any that you want to, edit the to photoblog link to actually go to your photoblog WordPress install, and copy/paste in more of them of you want to add more links.

    I don’t know if I would delete the Welcome link though, how else do users get back to your home page?

    Am I blind, or does this theme not have a spot for the title or tagline of your site?

    Thread Starter DigitalBirtles


    Thanks, im sorry i didn’t honor your reply before now. I really appreciate the help! I figured that i could re-order the pages in the menu-bar by editing the order number from my “edit post.” And i found a plug inn called “page links to” that automatically forwards pages to custom-url..
    works fine for me! so now “welcome” is first in line, i set “client based projects” as my posts page, and i have the photoblog linking to digitalbirtles.com/Photoblog, where the exact same installation of wordpress has been installed. only here the photoblog is the welcome page, and all the other tabs on the menu link back to digitalbirtles.com’s pages ?? Sweet! And dont worry, your eyesight is probably ok! There is no title/tagline for this theme! And i love it!

    Again, thanks for the help!

    No problem, I’m glad you found a solution!

    Hi there,
    I had the same problem as DigitalBirtles so I used the same solution jleuze posted. It worked, but now my menu buttons are not buttons anymore, they are turned into normal links.
    Is there anyway to choose them but keep they as buttons?
    Thank you very much!

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