• Hi, how do I add new tabs dependent on user role?

    Here is the code that I created and tested but it does not work. Where does it wrong?

    Your guide is really appreciated.

    add_filter( 'learn-press/before-profile-nav', 'thim_change_tabs_course_profile_1', 10010 );
    if ( !function_exists( 'thim_change_tabs_course_profile_1' ) ) {
        function thim_change_tabs_course_profile_1 ( $tabs ){
                $settings = LP()->settings();
                $profile = LP_Profile::instance();
                $user    = $profile->get_user();
                $role    = $user->get_role();
                if( $role == 'user' ){
                        <a href="#">
                            <i class="fa-thin fa-pen-to-square"></i> Forum
                if( in_array($role, array('administrator', 'lp_teacher')) ){
                        <a href="#">
                            <i class="fa-thin fa-pen-to-square"></i> Edit Courses
                        <a href="#">
                            <i class="fa-thin fa-pen-to-square"></i> Forum
            return $tabs;
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by moffzar.
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