• Resolved jrothra


    URL: https://www.johnrothra.com/store/church-growth/1x-evangelism-kingdom-growth-strategy-local-church/

    I’m wanting to add the name of the author(s) underneath the item description. However, what I’ve tried isn’t working. So here I post.

    What I Tried
    I added the custom field product_author under the item’s custom field box, and entered the name of the author (me), clicked update under the new custom field just to be sure, then clicked to update the entire product listing.

    I then copied the title.php file from plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/ to theme_child/woocommerce/templates/single-product/. After this, I edited the copied file by adding an H3 under the title as so:

    <h1 itemprop="name" class="product_title entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <h3 class="product_author"><?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'product_author', TRUE); ?></h3>

    I then cleared all caches and refreshed the page, but the author did not display. I tried altering where I put the copied file by placing it in the following locations, but none worked:

    • theme_child/woocommerce/templates/
    • theme_child/woocommerce

    What did I do wrong or miss?


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  • Try at:

    More here:

    Thread Starter jrothra


    Nope, no change.

    Thread Starter jrothra


    Just a thought: the documentation you referenced says to put the customized files in the theme folder, which is generally considered a no-no for WordPress. Rather, it’s good practice to add customizations to the child theme, which I’ve done.

    Should I use the parent theme?
    If so, won’t any updates be undone whenever I update the parent?

    Did you empty the W3 Total Cache cache?

    You should use your child theme.

    Thread Starter jrothra


    I did empty the W3 cache and I have the custom files in the child theme.

    Thread Starter jrothra


    Seems like it’s got to be a code issue such as maybe I typed it wrong. I’m just now starting to learn PHP so I’m not very familiar with it — yet.

    The (empty) h3 tag is showing up in the page, so you are now using the right file.

    Try this to get the author name:

    <h3 class="product_author"><?php echo "Author: ".get_user_by("ID", get_post(get_the_ID())->post_author)->display_name; ?></h3>

    Thread Starter jrothra


    That works for now. I say for now because right now the only product would be my one solo book. However, should other items be added later that may include other authors or multiple authors, this wouldn’t work because it calls the post author rather than who I entered as the product author in the custom fields.

    If I was going to do that, would I alter the code this way (seeing if I’m getting PHP at all, too):

    <h3 class="product_author"><?php echo "Author: ".get_user_by("ID", get_post(get_the_ID())->$post->ID, 'product_author')->display_name; ?></h3>

    I don’t think there is a ‘product_author’ property. You would need to set up a custom field for the product object. There are plugins to help with custom fields.

    Thread Starter jrothra


    WooCommerce comes with the ability to add custom fields. Under Products, there is an option for “Custom Fields.” In it, I added “product_author” and entered my name for the value. However, it seems that isn’t recognized.

    At least I believe it’s part of WooCommerce because I’ve never seen that option in the Screen Options before until I activated WC.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    If you want the ‘real’ author metabox it needs to be enabled.


    Thread Starter jrothra



    Looks like that option creates a user on the WP system (cf. that thread OP’s “I was thinking of using the wordpress built-in ‘author’ user”). Unlike that individual, I’m not wanting to create user accounts on the website for each individual. I’d rather just type in the author’s name, which makes a lot more sense in the context of a store system.

    In addition, being able to add other info specific to books like publication info, number of pages, etc. would be nice, but that’s for another thread. So far it seems WooCommerce is good for selling some products, but not really made for selling books.

    – go to Product Data section > Attributes > Custom Product attribute: “Add”
    – Name: = Product author
    – Value: = Author: Smith
    – at the end of title.php, add:

    global $product;
      $attributes = $product->get_attributes();
      foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
        if ($attribute["name"] == "Product author") {
          $values = array_map( 'trim', explode( WC_DELIMITER, $attribute['value'] ) );
          echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_attribute', wpautop( wptexturize( implode( ', ', $values ) ) ), $attribute, $values );

    Thread Starter jrothra


    When you say at the end of the title.php, you mean before the php closing mark (see below):

    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    	exit; // Exit if accessed directly
    --- PUT IT HERE? ---
    <h1 itemprop="name" class="product_title entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <h3 class="product_author"><?php echo "Author: ".get_user_by("ID", get_post(get_the_ID())->post_author)->display_name; ?></h3>
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