• Hi there,
    I am using wpshower’s Imbalance 2 theme – which isn’t widget-aware, meaning that it has no sidebars that you are able to change – and I was wondering if there is a plugin that could enable this.
    Thanks in advance!

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  • Hi, please help me too! I’m having the same trouble. I’ve downloaded Imbalance 2 onto my localhost server and want to adjust it before going live. The only thing is, when I go to Appearance – Widgets it says No Sidebars Defined. I’m afraid the ‘follow these instructions’ link on the page doesn’t seem to relate to any of the php pages I have. Can someone help me here. WPshower’s forum doesn’t have the answer and won’t reply either.
    I have meanwhile, despite my non-existant skill in programming, managed to create a full width header image. But I want to add a horizontal nav bar. How can I do this without access to widgets?

    Can some amazing genius in your forum help me?!

    You don’t need a widget to add a nav bar — Imbalance 2 theme page says it has 5 custom menu locations — so start here:


    And BTW, you should start a new thread rather than tack-on to an “ancient” one…

    Hi there WPyogi. Many many thanks for this pointer and sorry for tacking onto ancient posts. I’ve used the directions there to register a new menu (in functions and header php) below my customised full width header (before this, the full width header was blocking out the two standard vertical header menus). The problem that I can’t seem to sort out now is how to make my new menu horizontal rather than vertical. At the moment its just appearing on the right, below my full width header and pushing all my home page content down. The Creating Horizontal Menus link doesn’t make sense to me since it seems to be all back-end with no control via the wordpress dashboard. I feel that I’m close to getting there and being fully enlightened – just need a little more guidance….

    same problem here, any help!!!

    zcamine – per forum policy, please start your own thread.

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