First, you need to add these code to function.php
/* Describe what the code snippet does so you can remember later on */
add_action('wp_head', 'enable_tiny_mce_wiris');
function enable_tiny_mce_wiris()
<script src="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/WIRISplugins.js?viewer=image" type="text / javascript"> </script>
Then add this line in PHP for the quizz page. I use shortcode for my part.
Finaly add js to initialize the editor.
/* This is your custom Javascript */
(function ($) {
$(window).load(function () {
var settings = {
tinymce: {
selector: 'textarea',
plugins: 'tiny_mce_wiris',
toolbar1: 'bold,italic,strikethrough,bullist,numlist,blockquote,hr,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,image,wp_more,tiny_mce_wiris_formulaEditor,fullscreen,',
setup: function (editor) {
editor.on('change', function () {;
$("textarea.wpProQuiz_questionEssay").each(function (index, element) {
wp.editor.initialize($(element).attr("id"), settings);
Best regards