• Resolved javad2000


    I have tried almost all the statistical plugins for WordPress, but from my point of view, WordPress lacks a good statistics add-on. Of course this is a
    personal opinion, not a documented report. I have two questions about WP Slimstats:
    1- How can I add to the number of visits or visitors? I have seen the option “add to hits” in other statistical plugins, but not in Slimstats. For example
    I want WP Slimstat to start from 15,000, not from zero, because I have already had 15k visits in the previous non-Wordpress CMS. What about adding to page-visits?

    2- Is there a way I can show the number of page visits to my visitors? Something like this:
    This page has been visited 2117 times by 400 visitors.

    I thought these were the most obvious features, but none of WordPress statistical plugins had both of them together, or maybe I couldn’t find. Another
    problem was, almost all WordPress statistical plugins did not work correctly on Localhost (Wamp Server). Again, this might be a personal experience, not
    a rule of thumb.

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author Jason Crouse



    thank you for testing our plugin! Let me answer your questions:

    1) this is not possible in Slimstat, because the plugin relies on the actual data collected by the tracker to do all its calculations. If you added 15,000 “fake” pageviews, but not the corresponding entries in the log, all the percentages would be off. For examples, if I wanted to know what percentage of visitors were using Firefox, the figure I would get would not be correct, because Slimstat has no way to know how many of those 15,000 were using Firefox. I hope this makes sense.

    2) You can use our Shortcodes add-on to do that:


    3) Slimstat works perfectly fine on localhost, that’s were we test our code ??

    Thread Starter javad2000


    Thank you for your reply.
    > I hope this makes sense.
    Not really! You could calculate the percentage regardless of those 15k visits. Now I lose my whole statistics if I switch from another CMS to WordPress, or if I switch from another statistical plugin to yours. Of course this is my personal view point, but I say it to you, because I think Slimstat is the most acceptable WordPress plugin, so it can become the best.

    >2) You can use our Shortcodes add-on to do that:
    I have already tried a lot to use it for this purpose, but I have two problems:
    1- I could not find a way to show the visits of current page. None of the available examples on your documents or Google pages could tell me how to do this. The instructions and explanations were not quite comprehensible for a beginner like me.
    2- The shortcode plugin gave a “Warning” on the local host, when I put its shortcodes on a page. I don’t remember the warning exactly, but I can copy/paste here, if needed. I know the warnings will not be shown on the real server, but it also showed all the numbers to be zero. Maybe this was because I used Firefox and Slimstat does not calculate the visits from Firefox by default, or maybe because I had logged in as the admin, and Slimstat does not calculate admin visits by default. I don’t know really.

    >3) Slimstat works perfectly fine on localhost, that’s were we test our code ??
    Maybe my problems boil down to my lack of knowledge. I use Wamp Server 2.4 on Win8. Not only your plugin, but all the other statistical plugins did not count my own visits in Firefox 32. I wonder what problem they have with Firefox or admin. They showed the visits to be zero, while this is impossible. “Zero visits” is meaningless, because I know I have visited the page myself.

    I wonder why you have marked my topic to be resolved. Does that mean I should not continue the discussion?

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse



    first of all I changed the status to not resolved. Of course I want to continue this conversation ??

    1) This feature would make the source code more complicated, because when calculating percentages and other figures, we would have to keep two separate counters active. But I’ll talk to the dev team and see what they can do, so that we can be the “best”, like you say.

    2.1) You’re right, Slimstat Shortcodes doesn’t have a “current post” option, however this is something that our dev team can implement. Thank you for bringing this up!

    2.2) Could you please post the warning you saw? Were you using the latest versions of both plugins?

    3) There are some issues with Firefox, we already addressed them in version 4.0, with a more sophisticated heuristic browser detection and a newer browscap database.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter javad2000



    > I changed the status to not resolved.
    Thank you.

    >1) This feature would make the source code more complicated.
    I am a programmer too. I am not quite professional, but I know the thing I want, is not too complicated. You don’t need to change the database or the percentage at all. In the next post I will explain my ideal solution.

    >2.2) Could you please post the warning you saw? Were you using the latest versions of both plugins?
    I tried to check that warning again, but no warning was given anymore. I used to see the warning when I had activated several plugins at a time. I am almost sure it was not owing to a typing mistake in the shortcode, but maybe one of my plugins at that time was causing conflict, because I had installed severall statistical plugins simultaneously. I see no warning now, but the numbers are still zero.
    I am currently using WP-Slimstat 3.9, and WP-Slimstat Shortcodes 2.5.1 in Windows 8 Firefox 32 Wamp Server 2.4.

    >Hope this helps!
    Yes, it was helpful. Thank you for your patience and guidance. In the next post, I will explain about my ideal statistical plugin. Maybe you put it in the “wish-list”.

    Thread Starter javad2000


    My Ideal Statistical Plugin:
    My Ideal statistical plugin supports shortcodes. Its shortcodes consist of 4 parts. The first part is necessary, but the next 3 parts are optional. Something like this:

    First Part:

    Second Part (optional):
    (The default is visits)

    Third Part (Optional):
    (The default is _ofthiswebsite_)

    Fourth Part (Optional):
    (The default is zero)
    This option adds 15000 to the number that is shown to visitors, but not the number that is shown to the admin. It does not change the percentage or the database at all. For example:

    It shows the total visits of the total website plus 15k visits. This extra 15k is only shown to the users, but not the admin. Another feature would make it more ideal indeed. I would like to enjoy syndicate statistical reports (multisite statistics). I mean adding the statistics of various websites to each other. For example I have 3 websites. If I use the following shortcode:
    It shows the number of visits to all websites, but it does not update this number with every visit. It updates this number for example once every hour, because aggregating multi-site data is time-consuming.

    Thanks for your attention. I believe Slimstat has the potential to become the ideal statistical plugin. I am ready to pay extra for the features I mentioned here.

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    Oh I see. So basically you would want to have this counter only in the shortcodes, not for the reports. Right?

    Thread Starter javad2000


    yes, exactly!

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    Okay, cool. I’ll add it to our to-do list ??

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