• Resolved timbergski



    By default, the “About” tab on the profile page just shows the Username. I’d like to show my own information about the user in my own format. How can I interpose my own code here?

    I could do it by unsetting the “about” tab and adding a tab of my own. But is there a way I could do this while making that new tab also be called “About”?

    I notice that one can add template files for tabs. The default installation has files “posts.php” & “comments.php”. Adding my own “about.php” had no effect.

    By the way, I will be adding my own tab. What is the difference between X.php and X-single.php?

    Many thanks.

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  • Plugin Support Aswin Giri


    Hello @timbergski

    Data in the about tab is coming for your profile form. If you want to add more data or change the data, you can simply edit your profile form.

    Regarding the templates, posts.php & comments.php are part of the posts tab and they are used for displaying data from posts and comments. So, just adding about.php will not make any changes to the about tab.

    Thread Starter timbergski


    Thanks Aswin

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