• I don’t know if anyone else has this issue but I would really like to add transparency to the sticky header. The simplest way I can see would be to simply add the transparency to the default color in the sticky-header-settings.php file. I just can’t seem to get the come right. please, anyone who can, please help! Code below:

    // Sticky Header background color
    			'default'			=> '#181818',
    			'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_filter_nohtml_kses',
    			'type'				=> 'option',
    			'capability'		=> 'edit_theme_options',
    		new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
    				'label'		=> __( 'Background color', $thsp_plugin_slug ),
    				'section'	=> 'thsp_sticky_header',
    				'settings'	=> 'thsp_sticky_header[background_color]',

    P.S…I’m a proper noob…

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  • Hey! I’m a noob too ^^

    I found the section to change. It’s in “sticky-header/class-sticky-header.php”

    public function generate_css() {
    		$plugin_settings = thsp_sticky_header_get_settings(); ?>
    		<style type="text/css">
    			#thsp-sticky-header {
    				background-color: <?php echo $plugin_settings['background_color']; ?>;
    			#thsp-sticky-header a {
    				color: <?php echo $plugin_settings['text_color']; ?> !important;
    				opacity: 0.9;

    I added “opacity” and chose 0.9, 0 being transparent and 1 opaque. Works just fine for me!
    I hope what I said makes sense lol.


    Please ask future questions on the plugin’s forum:

    https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/sticky-header/ – see the note re: support.

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