Hi ryscript,
Adding the input fields to the form wouldn’t be too difficult. Within rich-reviews.php you can edit the shortcode_reviews_form function to add these fields. If you read the through the function and are familiar with PHP then this shouldn’t be too difficult. Of course if you have trouble then I will happily help you out with it.
Then you must edit the database to store the new data. For this you must edit the create_update_database function within the rich-reviews-db.php file. Adding the columns in proper mysql format is very important. After that, you call this function if the columns that you want to include don’t exist.
Lastly you must figure out how you would like to retrieve this information and what information you would like to display. This is going to be mostly custom coding on your part, with the exception of editing the display_review function in rich-reviews.php which you must edit for the fields that you would like publicly displayed. I believe that the most simple way for you to view this information without publicly displaying it publicly would be to edit the display_admin_review function.
With all of that said, I am going to highly recommend that you do not customize your version of the plugin. If you do, then you won’t be able to update the plugin without overriding your customizations, at which point you will have to redo everything that I previously have said. Alternatively, you could choose to no longer update the plugin in order to maintain your customization. This could cause issues if a new version is released with crucial updates and you risk losing complete functionality.
I hope this was helpful. If you have anymore questions then feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for using our plugin and hopefully this works out for you.