Additional information
This is just some ideas to add to your plugin later on. When i put in new beers, i don′t just include what malt, hops and so on are in the beer, i also include, ideal tempreture to drink the beer, if the beer contains gluten or not (some people who have Celiac disease and can get seriously ill if they digest gluten products, so it′s important for them to know which beers don′t contain gluten, i even teach how to brew gluten free beer on my website), nutritional information, is the beer pasteurized or does it still have the yeast in the beer (i think it would be cool to have green check if it has still the yeast and red X if it′s pasteurized or something like that), how long you can store the beer (some beers can last for years and only get better), when did the beer arrive in market? and so on.
And the black image of the beer bottle you have in the test article, it would be awesome to include that if there isn′t any picture available, because sometimes, i put on my website beers that are only available on tab, and therefor don′t have any logo or anything.
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