• Resolved outdoorsdev1


    Suddenly all of the selectors I had that were allowing simplelightbox to work aren’t. I’ve added gb-block-image,simplelightbox,card in the additional selectors but it stil only works with wp-block-image, can you help?

    This seems to be the case for things in the sidebar as well as on custom post types

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  • @outdoorsdev1 Everything stopped working for me as well.
    It seems like something went wrong in the latest update/version.

    I decided to just rollback to “Version 2.14.1” with WP Rollback (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-rollback/)
    Everything worked again right away

    Thread Starter outdoorsdev1



    This worked for me, the immediate last version is fine.

    Additionally as a seperate issue the simple-lightbox.legacy.min.js file is loading instead of the standard js script, even though I don’t have legacy selected in the options.

    It is the same here – the lightbox stopped working altogether, so I rolled it back to 2.14.1.

    I investigated and a change was made to line 57 of setup.simplelightbox.js, where a regular expression is analyzing the filename , it was changed from this:

    return /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|mp4|webp|bmp|pdf)(\?[^/]*)*$/i.test(item.getAttribute("href"));

    to this:

    var thumbnails = Array.from(anchors).filter(function (item) {
    			return /\.(php_vars.ar_sl_fileExt)(\?[^/]*)*$/i.test(item.getAttribute("href"));

    Interestingly, when I logged the contents of php_vars.ar_sl_fileExt – it was ‘png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp’ – so it would seem to work – but doesn’t. When I roll it back to the original hard coded string, it works fine.

    Not sure a variable is allowed within the regular expression and may need to be rolled back.

    Plugin Author aknieriem


    Thanks for mention. I will take a look

    @aknieriem Have you gotten a chance to look at this? I won’t be able to upgrade until this is resolved. Much appreciated!

    Plugin Author aknieriem


    Should be fixed in newest version. Please give it a try

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