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  • Plugin Author wpshopmart



    Sorry but we have included only 6 icons in plugin.

    And sorry about that We have not added Instagram in this icons list.

    But there is an option is available to add it on contact page.

    Follow me here –

    Step-1 : Open your Coming soon setting panel and then go to Contact info section.

    Step-2 : Now add below code in “Contact Info Section Description” Field.

    <div style="text-align:center;display:blocl;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:20px"> Follow Us</div>
    <ul class="social-list">
             <a href="Add your Instagram profile link Here" title="instagram" target="_blank">
                     <i class="icons fa fa-instagram"></i>

    Step-3 : Save your settings and then check your coming Soon page.

    Check screenshot for more help.

    Let me know if you will get any problem.


    This fix works, but is not ideal. It separates the IG icon from the others. It would be great if you could simply add IG to the normal functionality as it is arguably more popular than several that are already included.

    Additionally, is there a way to have the social icons on the main Coming Soon page? This would make them much more readily/easily available and therefore much more likely that visitors will actually click on them rather than clicking on an additional Contact link.


    Plugin Author wpshopmart


    Hello Kerry,

    Follow my steps here if you want to add Instagram link with social list-

    Step-1 : open your plugin directory and then open responsive-coming-soon plugin folder

    Step-2 : Now follow this folder path – templates -> template1 , in template1 folder you will be see a file name is index.php open it on any editor.

    Step-3 : Go to near line no. 314 in index.php then paste below code here-

             <a href="Add your Instagram profile link Here" title="instagram" target="_blank">
                     <i class="icons fa fa-instagram"></i>

    Check screenshot for help.

    Step-4 : Save your code and then check your site.

    Note – Do not update your coming soon plugin, because after update code will be replace with new updated code.

    Let me know if you will get any problem in plugin.


    Ok, thanks. Can you show me what the code would look like to do this with additional social icons (let’s say, IG, Facebook) so that they are side-by-side, horizontally?


    Plugin Author wpshopmart


    After you will add this code in that file , at the front side of coming soon page you will found your Instagram link with other horizontal social links.


    …nevermind, figured it out.


    Well, I actually had to do it manually, like this:

                          	<a href="Add your Instagram profile link Here" title="instagram" target="_blank">
                            <i class="icons fa fa-instagram"></i></a>??
                            <a href="Add your Facebook profile link Here" title="facebook" target="_blank">
                            <i class="icons fa fa-facebook"></i></a>


    Plugin Author wpshopmart



    Add code at near line no. 305 after ul tag not near line no. 313.

             <a href="Add your Instagram profile link Here" title="instagram" target="_blank">
                     <i class="icons fa fa-instagram"></i>

    Check this screenshot .


    The code to be changed in index.php (Template) worked for me. Site now shows the Instagram logo and Link.

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