• Resolved Nicolaie


    Hi George,

    thanks for providing us such a good extension.

    Could you extend the plugin by providing three more attributes of the company profile like
    alternateName and
    At least google is using these attributes.
    I can provide these as JSON insertion but don’t think it is tied with the data from the article.



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  • Thread Starter Nicolaie


    Hi George,

    at least Yandex (https://webmaster.yandex.com/microtest.xml) ist requiring some of the fields above and needs the telephone as well!


    P.S. I found this page https://www.seoskeptic.com/structured-data-markup-validation-testing-tools/ a good overview on microdata.

    Plugin Author George Notaras



    I’m sorry for my late reply. I’m preparing a new release. I’ll look into these suggestions and see how they could be implemented.

    I’ll keep you updated.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter Nicolaie


    Thanks George!
    Hope to hear from you soon ??

    Thread Starter Nicolaie


    Hi George,

    if I can assist somehow please don’t hesitate to contact me.
    I could give you some more details and even access to my Test-Instance of my WebSite.
    And could give you rights to Google WMT.
    I use some plugins with Chrome (Microdata.reveal, META SEO inspector, Microformats and Green Turtle RDFa) to verify the results.


    Thread Starter Nicolaie


    Hi George,

    I’ve added some referencedItems (just too see how it works) an let Google Testing Tool check and it gives error regarding these Items.
    I’ll leave them there. May be you want to see these yourself. The URL is: https://www.intra.lynx-consulting.ch/kontakt/


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Hi Nicolaie,

    referencedItems was initially added for use with Pinterest. Unfortunately, it did not work out well. There are thoughts to completely remove it from future releases or transform it to a more useful feature. It needs some research.


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Also, regarding the initial feature request about ‘sameAs’, ‘alternateName’ and ‘address’ meta tags, there were thoughts to add extra text boxes in the plugin settings under ‘Publisher Settings’ for some of them.

    On a second thought, before such an implementation takes place, a filter hook will be added so as to easily add extra Organization related meta tags programmatically and provide sample code about how to do it. If more users need such a feature, then extra settings will be added in the plugin admin panel.

    I hope this is fine with you.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time lately to work on the new release. Hopefully this will happen today. I’ll post detailed information and sample code about how to add the needed meta tags.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter Nicolaie



    i’d like to provide you the JSON insertion i make at my Web-Site. Google accepts and shows them on WMT but I think these entries should be somehow tied and related to those of your plugins:

    <script type="application/ld+json">
    [{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"Person","name":"Nicolaie Szabadkai","url":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch","sameAs":["https://ch.linkedin.com/pub/nszabadkai","https://www.gulp.ch/gulp2/home/profil/nsz?0","https://www.freelancermap.ch/profil/NicolaieSzabadkai/1","https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NicolaieSzabadkai/","https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/szabadkai","https://github.com/nszabadkai"]},
    {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"Organization","name":"Lynx Consulting GmbH","url":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch","logo":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch/wp-content/uploads/lynx.jpg","address": {"@type": "PostalAddress","addressLocality": "Herisau, Schweiz","postalCode": "CH-9100","streetAddress": "Cilanderstrasse 3"},"telephone": "+41 43 268 9493","sameAs":["https://plus.google.com/+LynxconsultingChMiddleware/","https://www.xing.com/companies/lynxconsultinggmbhschweiz","https://wiki.intra.lynx-consulting.ch/w/Hauptseite","https://build.intra.lynx-consulting.ch:8123/explore/projects"]},
    {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"WebSite","url":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch/","name":"Lynx Consulting GmbH","alternateName" : "Lynx","potentialAction":{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch/search/{search_string}","query-input":"required name=search_string"}}]

    I’d like also add a vcard for myself but it is somewhat complicated. I am not a Developer but a DevOp.

    Cheers and good luck

    Plugin Author George Notaras



    Again I am sorry for the delay of the next release, but due to many other obligations I did not have the opportunity to work on the plugin.

    In the upcoming version 2.8.4 it is possible to attach a filtering function to the ‘amt_schemaorg_publisher_extra’ filter hook and extend the generated metadata for the Organization object.

    Below I provide sample code for the object of the organization address. Meta tags for the ‘sameAs’, ‘alternateName’ etc could be added here (outside the <span>…</span> that contain the address object).

    function amt_schemaorg_publisher_extra_tags( $metatags ) {
        $metatags[] = '<!-- Scope BEGIN: Organization Address -->';
        $metatags[] = '<span itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress">';
        $metatags[] = '<meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="WordPress Str. 123" />';
        $metatags[] = '<meta itemprop="postalCode" content="12345" />';
        $metatags[] = '<meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="City, Country" />';
        $metatags[] = '<meta itemprop="telephone" content="1234567890" />';
        $metatags[] = '<meta itemprop="faxNumber" content="2134567890" />';
        $metatags[] = '<meta itemprop="email" content="info(at)example.org" />';
        $metatags[] = '</span> <!-- Scope END: Organization Address -->';
        return $metatags;
    add_filter( 'amt_schemaorg_publisher_extra', 'amt_schemaorg_publisher_extra_tags' );

    This can be placed in the functions.php file of the theme.

    The new release will be out soon (most probably today).

    Again sorry for the delay.


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    I’m skeptical about adding extra settings for all the above items at the current point, but I’ll consider doing it in 2.9.X or 3.X.X versions of the plugin, after some UI changes in the administration panel have been implemented.

    Adding them via a filtering function as shown above seems to be flexible enough.

    You could also add the ‘ld+json’ data using a similar method, so as to have everything in functions.php. Eg:

    function amt_schemaorg_organization_ldjson(){
        echo '
    <script type="application/ld+json">
    [{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"Person","name":"Nicolaie Szabadkai","url":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch","sameAs":["https://ch.linkedin.com/pub/nszabadkai","https://www.gulp.ch/gulp2/home/profil/nsz?0","https://www.freelancermap.ch/profil/NicolaieSzabadkai/1","https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NicolaieSzabadkai/","https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/szabadkai","https://github.com/nszabadkai"]},
    {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"Organization","name":"Lynx Consulting GmbH","url":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch","logo":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch/wp-content/uploads/lynx.jpg","address": {"@type": "PostalAddress","addressLocality": "Herisau, Schweiz","postalCode": "CH-9100","streetAddress": "Cilanderstrasse 3"},"telephone": "+41 43 268 9493","sameAs":["https://plus.google.com/+LynxconsultingChMiddleware/","https://www.xing.com/companies/lynxconsultinggmbhschweiz","https://wiki.intra.lynx-consulting.ch/w/Hauptseite","https://build.intra.lynx-consulting.ch:8123/explore/projects"]},
    {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"WebSite","url":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch/","name":"Lynx Consulting GmbH","alternateName" : "Lynx","potentialAction":{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"https://www.lynx-consulting.ch/search/{search_string}","query-input":"required name=search_string"}}]
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'amt_schemaorg_organization_ldjson' );

    Hope this helps for now.

    Feel free to post your feedback or contact me via email at ‘gnot at g-loaded dot eu’, because during these weeks I do not monitor the forums as closely as I would like.

    Kind Regards,

    Plugin Author George Notaras



    2.8.4 has been released. Your feedback is welcome and much appreciated.


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