• Is there a way to change the titles of what you enter into Addressbook?
    Example: Change ‘surname’ to ‘last name’ – or ‘suburb’ to ‘city’? (American terms in other words)

    I tried changing the data within the plugin code itself, and was met with an error message and the plugin would no longer work – so I had to change it back. Also, organization is misspelled (organisation).

    And is it possible to change the way that the addresses show up on the page itself? Right now it just shows the address in two lines:

    Name | Email | Phone
    Address Line 1 | Line 2 | City | Zip | State | Country

    I was hoping I could get a layout much like:

    Address Line 1
    Address Line 2
    City | State | Zip

    How can I do all of that which I mentioned?

    EDIT: Also wondering if it is possible to list the addresses alphabetically by last name?

    Or if it is possible (maybe in a later version) to set it up so that you can ‘view all’ or search by first letter of last name (create the alphabet at the top of the page – user clicks A, they are taken to all the A last names w/o having to refresh the entire page would be nice) – maybe even then click on just the name to view all the other information, instead of seeing all the information at once.

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