Hello Pikachu & Sarah,
Pikachu: As Elsa mentioned, we need more information from you in order to troubleshoot your issue.
Sarah: I took a look at MH Magazine Lite. Because of the non-standard way this theme accesses excerpts, there’s nothing we can do with our plugin to get sharing buttons showing up on excerpts with this theme. I’ve submitted a patch to bring the theme more in line with the standard ways of manipulating excerpts with the theme authors here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/incompatibility-with-addthis-sharing-buttons-plugin
If you’re comfortable applying patches, you can get this patch for the theme here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ye1auiokhgpr0ms/20150630_wp_theme_mh-magazine-lite.patch?dl=0
If you haven’t made customizations to your theme, you can get the entire theme with my changes here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/au8uv3swtin1sey/20150630_wp_theme_mh-magazine-lite.zip?dl=0
The only other solution I can suggest to you at this time is to disable sharing buttons on excerpts. With the way this theme is written, there’s nothing we can do on the plugin end to work around how they’re accessing excerpts.
To disable sharing buttons on excerpts:
If you’re in WordPress mode for the AddThis Sharing Buttons plugin, you can disable sharing buttons on excerpts in the plugin’s settings. Each button location has an options tab where you can select what templates will have sharing buttons. Uncheck excerpts for both sharing buttons above and below content and save your changes.
If you’re in AddThis mode for the AddThis Sharing Buttons plugin, you can do this at AddThis.com. From your AddThis.com Dashboard, select the sharing buttons you have enabled and unselect the excerpt options.