Hey Digbydigz.
I took a quick look at your site over the weekend and saw what you described with our mobile toolbar. I noticed this morning that you’ve changed over to AddToAny, but I’m seeing the same problem with them, too.
The first time I go to your site and click on anything (sharing button, link, text), I’m getting a new window that takes me to another site. I can reproduce this over and over again using a new incognito window with Chrome. But it’s smart, it won’t do it to me twice. Each time I want to reproduce it, I have to open a brand new incognito window.
Investigating it, it looks like it’s Sweet Captcha. This script on your page:
Is adding this script to your page:
This clktag scrip is listening for a mouse down even (when someone clicks down on their mouse) to intercept and open a new webpage.
Here’s some people complaining about Sweet Captcha for doing this: