Addthis Social sign in problem with the shortcut code
i am trying to addthis socialsign in my custom login page using the shortcut , but its not working <?php addthis_ssi();?>
i tried to put exactly in my sidebar.php and also my-account but its not showing up i cant figure out why .
my website
i also tried to keep a space in the function but its not even working too
<?php addthis_ssi(); ?>does add this social sharing messing up with the social login custom code ?
i am new with php so can you please give me the complete syntax
this is what i got when i tried to debug with wp_debug
wp_get_theme() instead. in /var/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2824
Notice: Undefined index: addthis_signature in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/addthis-social-sign-in/addthis_social_sign_in.php on line 130
this is line 130 if( $_REQUEST[ ‘addthis_signature’ ] != “” )
<?php /* Plugin Name: AddThis Social Sign In Plugin URI: Description: A lightweight javascript plugin helps users to sign in to the wordpress site using social media services. Version: 1.0.1 Author: AddThis Team Author URI: License: Apache */ ?> <?php function addthis_ssi_activate(){ if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) , '2.9' , '<' )){ deactivate_plugins( basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/' . basename( __FILE__ ) ); wp_die( sprintf( __( "Require wordpress greater than 2.9"))); } add_option("addthis_ssi_fbid", '', '', 'yes'); add_option("addthis_ssi_twkey", '', '', 'yes'); add_option("addthis_ssi_googleid", '', '', 'yes'); add_option("addthis_default_user_role", '', '', 'yes'); add_option("addthis_ssi_redirect_enabled", '', '', 'yes'); add_option("addthis_ssi_redirect_url", '', '', 'yes'); add_option("addthis_ssi_welcome_enabled", '', '', 'yes'); add_option("addthis_ssi_thumbnail_enabled", '', '', 'yes'); } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'addthis_ssi_activate' ); function addthis_ssi_render_buttons( $tmpl_mode = false ){ global $addthis_addjs; wp_enqueue_style( 'frontendstyles', plugins_url('css/frontend-styles.css', __FILE__) ); if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) , '3.3' , '<' )) wp_head(); echo '<div class="addthis_toolbox"> <a class="addthis_login_facebook"></a> <a class="addthis_login_twitter"></a> <a class="addthis_login_google"></a> </div>'; if( $tmpl_mode == true ){ echo '<form method="post" action="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-login.php" id="loginform" name="loginform">'; addthis_ssi_render_fields(); echo '</form>'; } $addthis_ssi_config = ' var addthis_config = { login:{ services:{ facebook:{ appId:"'.get_option('addthis_ssi_fbid').'",scope:"email" }, twitter:{ appKey:"'.get_option('addthis_ssi_twkey').'" }, google:{ clientId:"'.get_option('addthis_ssi_googleid').'" } }, callback:function(user){ document.getElementById("addthis_signature").value = user.addthis_signature; document.getElementById("addthis_firstname").value = user.firstName; document.getElementById("addthis_lastname").value = user.lastName; document.getElementById("addthis_email").value =; document.getElementById("addthis_profileurl").value = user.profileURL; document.getElementById("addthis_avatarurl").value = user.thumbnailURL; document.getElementById("loginform").submit(); } } };'; $addthis_addjs->addAfterScript( $addthis_ssi_config ); $addthis_addjs->output_script(); } add_action( 'login_form', 'addthis_ssi_render_buttons' ); function addthis_ssi_render_fields(){ echo '<input type="hidden" id="addthis_signature" name="addthis_signature" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="addthis_firstname" name="addthis_firstname" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="addthis_lastname" name="addthis_lastname" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="addthis_email" name="addthis_email" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="addthis_profileurl" name="addthis_profileurl" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="addthis_avatarurl" name="addthis_avatarurl" value="">'; } add_action( 'login_form', 'addthis_ssi_render_fields' ); function addthis_ssi(){ if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { if( get_option('addthis_ssi_welcome_enabled') ) { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo get_avatar( $current_user->ID, 30 ).'??Hi?'.$current_user->first_name; } } else { addthis_ssi_render_buttons( true ); } } function addthis_ssi_getuser( $signature ) { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = '%s' AND meta_value = '%s'"; $user_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, 'addthis_signature', $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_signature' ] ) ); return $user_id; } function addthis_social_sign_in() { if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) , '3.1' , '<' )) require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php'); if( $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_signature' ] != "" ) $user_id = addthis_ssi_getuser( $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_signature' ] ); $domain = parse_url( get_site_url() ); $user_email = $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_email' ] ? $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_email' ] : strtolower( $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_firstname' ].$_REQUEST[ 'addthis_lastname' ] ).'_'.time().'@'.$domain['host']; if( $user_id ) { $user_data = get_userdata( $user_id ); $user_login = $user_data->user_login; } elseif( $user_id = email_exists( $user_email ) ) { if ( $user_id && is_integer( $user_id ) ) { update_user_meta( $user_id, 'addthis_signature', $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_signature' ] ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'addthis_avatarurl', $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_avatarurl' ] ); } } else { $user_login = strtolower( str_replace(' ', '', $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_firstname' ]).str_replace(' ', '', $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_lastname' ]) ); if ( username_exists( $user_login ) ) $user_login = $user_login."_".time(); $userdata = array( 'user_login' => $user_login, 'user_email' => $user_email, 'first_name' => $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_firstname' ], 'last_name' => $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_lastname' ], 'user_url' => $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_profileurl' ], 'user_pass' => wp_generate_password() ); if( get_option('addthis_default_user_role') ) { $userdata['role'] = get_option('addthis_default_user_role'); } // Create a new user $user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata ); if ( $user_id && is_integer( $user_id ) ) { update_user_meta( $user_id, 'addthis_signature', $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_signature' ] ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'addthis_avatarurl', $_REQUEST[ 'addthis_avatarurl' ] ); } } wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id ); $addthis_ssi_redirect_enabled = get_option('addthis_ssi_redirect_enabled'); $addthis_ssi_redirect_url = get_option('addthis_ssi_redirect_url'); // Redirect to custom URL if enabled if( $addthis_ssi_redirect_enabled && $addthis_ssi_redirect_url ) { $redirect_to = $addthis_ssi_redirect_url; } else { // Redirect to request page if redirect_to is set if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] ) && $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] != '' ) { $redirect_to = $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ]; // Redirect to https if user wants ssl if ( isset( $secure_cookie ) && $secure_cookie && false !== strpos( $redirect_to, 'wp-admin') ) $redirect_to = preg_replace( '|^https://|', 'https://', $redirect_to ); } else { $redirect_to = admin_url(); } } wp_redirect( $redirect_to ); exit(); } } add_action( 'init', 'addthis_social_sign_in' ); if ( is_admin() ){ /* Settings page html code */ add_action( 'admin_menu', 'addthis_ssi_admin_menu' ); function addthis_ssi_admin_menu() { add_options_page('AddThis Social Sign In', 'AddThis SSI', 'administrator','addthis-social-sign-in', 'addthis_ssi_html_page'); } } function addthis_ssi_html_page() { wp_enqueue_script('adminscript', plugins_url('js/admin.js', __FILE__)); wp_enqueue_style( 'adminstyles', plugins_url('css/admin-styles.css', __FILE__) ); if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) , '3.3' , '<' )) wp_head(); require("views/settings.php"); } function addthis_custom_avatar( $avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt ) { global $comment; if( ! empty ( $avatar ) ) { if( ! empty ( $id_or_email ) ) { if ( is_numeric( $id_or_email ) ) { $user_id = ( int ) $id_or_email; } elseif ( is_string( $id_or_email ) && ( $user = get_user_by( 'email', $id_or_email ) ) ) { $user_id = $user->ID; } elseif ( is_object( $id_or_email ) && ! empty( $id_or_email->user_id ) ) { $user_id = ( int ) $id_or_email->user_id; } } //Check if we are in a comment if ( ! is_null ( $comment ) && ! empty ( $comment->user_id ) ) { $user_id = $comment->user_id; } if ( $user_id ) { if ( ( $user_thumbnail = get_user_meta ( $user_id, 'addthis_avatarurl', true ) ) !== false ) { if ( strlen ( trim ( $user_thumbnail ) ) > 0) { $user_thumbnail = preg_replace ( '#src=([\'"])([^\\1]+)\\1#Ui', "src=\\1" . $user_thumbnail . "\\1", $avatar ); return $user_thumbnail; } } } } return $avatar; } if( get_option('addthis_ssi_thumbnail_enabled') ) { add_filter ( 'get_avatar', 'addthis_custom_avatar', 10, 5 ); } function get_role_names() { global $wp_roles; if ( ! isset( $wp_roles ) ) $wp_roles = new WP_Roles(); return $wp_roles->get_names(); } // Setup our shared resources early add_action( 'init', 'addthis_ssi_shared', 0 ); function addthis_ssi_shared() { global $addthis_addjs; if ( !isset( $addthis_addjs ) ){ require('includes/addthis_addjs.php'); $addthis_options = get_option('addthis_settings'); $addthis_addjs = new AddThis_addjs( $addthis_options ); } elseif ( !method_exists( $addthis_addjs, 'getAtPluginPromoText' ) ){ require('includes/addthis_addjs_extender.php'); $addthis_addjs = new AddThis_addjs_extender( $addthis_options ); } } function addthis_ssi_remove() { /* Deletes the database field */ delete_option('addthis_ssi_fbid'); delete_option('addthis_ssi_twkey'); delete_option('addthis_ssi_googleid'); delete_option('addthis_default_user_role'); delete_option('addthis_ssi_redirect_enabled'); delete_option('addthis_ssi_redirect_url'); delete_option('addthis_ssi_welcome_enabled'); delete_option('addthis_ssi_thumbnail_enabled'); } /* Runs on plugin deactivation*/ register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'addthis_ssi_remove' ); /* 2.9 compatability functions*/ if (! function_exists('get_site_url')) { function get_site_url( $blog_id = null, $path = '', $scheme = null ) { // should the list of allowed schemes be maintained elsewhere? $orig_scheme = $scheme; if ( !in_array( $scheme, array( 'http', 'https', 'relative' ) ) ) { if ( ( 'login_post' == $scheme || 'rpc' == $scheme ) && ( force_ssl_login() || force_ssl_admin() ) ) $scheme = 'https'; elseif ( ( 'login' == $scheme ) && force_ssl_admin() ) $scheme = 'https'; elseif ( ( 'admin' == $scheme ) && force_ssl_admin() ) $scheme = 'https'; else $scheme = ( is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http' ); } if ( empty( $blog_id ) || !is_multisite() ) $url = get_option( 'siteurl' ); else $url = get_blog_option( $blog_id, 'siteurl' ); if ( 'relative' == $scheme ) $url = preg_replace( '#^.+://[^/]*#', '', $url ); elseif ( 'http' != $scheme ) $url = str_replace( 'https://', "{$scheme}://", $url ); if ( !empty( $path ) && is_string( $path ) && strpos( $path, '..' ) === false ) $url .= '/' . ltrim( $path, '/' ); return apply_filters( 'site_url', $url, $path, $orig_scheme, $blog_id ); } } if (! function_exists('update_user_meta')) { function update_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value = '') { return update_metadata('user', $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value); } } if (! function_exists('get_user_meta')) { function get_user_meta($user_id, $key = '', $single = false) { return get_metadata('user', $user_id, $key, $single); } } ?>
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