• Hello everyone,
    I am having a slight issues with the adhesive plugin. Here you go
    When you click on the calendar for single day posts and you have a sticky post. No matter what day you click on you only get the sticky. Not the post that is actually there… you can check the posts individually with the categories, or by clicking all. But use of the calendar seems to be null.
    Any suggestions?
    Kind regards,

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  • Yeah, installing Adhesive twice isn’t a good idea. ??
    A better way might be to use a meta field to store the class name you want to use for that particular sticky.
    In adhesive_the_content, add something like:
    $keyval = get_post_custom_values('stickyclass');
    $useclass = (@$keyval[0]=='')?$keyval[0]:'adhesive_post';
    return ($post->is_sticky) ?
    "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.document.getElementById('post-{$post->ID}').parentNode.className = '{$useclass}';</script>{$content}" :

    The cleaner way to do it would be to change the sticky checkbox into a dropdown that had all of your possible sticky class options. These would be stored in an array in the adhesive file. Instead of storing a ‘1’ in the meta field for a sticky post, it would store the classname to use.
    The cleaner way would also require a ton of little changes.
    I’m gonna guess that you’re not a coder, and that I’m talking jibberish?

    Yes, Ringmaster, that is a bit beyond me… but I’ll try and figure out what’s what with the adding the above-mentioned jibberish to adhesive_the_content and see how it goes… I’ll report back with the outcome. ??

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