• This thing was kind of a proof of concept for something else I was doing, but it seems to work well enough to release.
    Adhesive is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily mark posts as sticky. Adhesive is different than other plugins I’ve found with similar functionality for two reasons:

    1. You don’t need to modify any WordPress code.
    2. You need only check a box when you want to make something sticky.

    Other stuff that you might want to know: Adhesive uses post meta fields to store its sticky status. Sticky posts only appear in the categories that they’ve been assigned to. If you’ve modified your index.php heavily (fetching the $posts array in a different way than the default), then this plugin may not work for you. Adhesive should maintain the posts_per_page setting in your options – I’m not sure whether other sticky plugins do this.
    The upside is that if if doesn’t do what you want, you can just deactivate it and delete it. ??
    To install Adhesive, drop the file in your plugins directory and activate it on the Plugins tab. That’s it!

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  • Hi,
    I have to report one problem I encountered. My WP is setup with the viewlevel plugin. Now if a sticky note has let’s say viewlevel 3 and a user logs in with viewlevel 1 he doesn’t see the sticky note which is perfectly fine but he doesn’t see the other posts with viewlevel 1 on the site either.
    Is there a way to change that behavior.
    Thanks Thomas

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    I have had zero luck with the ViewLevel plugin. I tried installing it on my personal site a couple of times, and it keeps borking things — And I don’t even use Adhesive on my own site.
    I think what might happen is that the ViewLevel plugin has code that you insert into the wp-blog-header.php file that reorganizes the $posts array based on user level. That’s fine and all, but Adhesive does its thing in the wp_head plugin callback, getting the array after ViewLevel has already mangled it.
    I think it will be difficult to get Adhesive to work with a plugin that I can’t get to work by itself.

    Well, as I understand – no idea how both plugins work internally – it seems difficult to bring those two plugins together since one overrules the other. Too bad I need the viewlevels for my projectblog. Adhesive would fit into that setup but …
    Anyway thanks for that nice plugin.

    Perhaps a stuppid question but how can I change the title “Sticky title”?

    @ Michiel: Almost at the bottom of the adhesive php script you’ll see:
    return ‘Sticky Title’;
    Change it there to whatever you like, save and upload to the plugins directory.

    I installed 1.5 but I don’t see the sticky title on my entry. What am I missing?

    Thanks! I am now able to change the title. Still one question left: how can I change the appearance of the title? I would like to have a bit bigger font for it. I have been playing with the CSS file but no result so far… Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    I think the title ends up in the date div. You might be better off putting your own div in the value that is returned (ie- return "<div id="stickydiv">sticky title</div>";).
    If you don’t see the sticky checkbox (it’s on the advanced editing page at the top) then you haven’t activated your plugin on the plugin page, your your Javascript is turned off.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    You can combine both of our methods and add an id to the h2 tag in Adhesive:
    return "<h2 id="stickydiv">sticky title</h2>";
    This will devolve on older browsers better, and still let you style your sticky posts with a different kind of heading.

    Thanks a lot Gravity and Ringmaster! This worked perfectly!!!

    I can’t get it to work. I installed the plugin, activated it, checked the sticky option for an article but nothing happens.
    Am I missing something?

    I have had the same problem. Installed this plugin 5 times, tried everything I know. I get the sticky checkbox in admin but it has no effect on the post.
    Are there any other sticky plugins out there that work?
    It would be great to get this working but I have posted many times on here and never get a response on this one.
    Helpppppppp ??

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    You’ve probably never gotten a response because you’ve never posted on this thread.
    @shadow & Pezzetto
    You should be aware that other plugins or hacks may modify the $posts array after Adhesive does, which would cause your sticky posts to not appear sticky.
    Adhesive is the easiest way to get sticky functionality, but it’s not foolproof. You could try disabling a few other hacks and seeing if that lets Adhesive work, but usually that breaks other things. If you do narrow down what else you’ve got running that is interfering with Adhesive, I’ll see if it’s possible to overcome it.

    My humble apologies Ringmaster, I had inadvertently placed my previous questions in a separate post.
    I have now seen the error of my ways.
    Thank you.

    I had Search Hilite active but once deactivated, Adhesive still doesn’t work….

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