• This thing was kind of a proof of concept for something else I was doing, but it seems to work well enough to release.
    Adhesive is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily mark posts as sticky. Adhesive is different than other plugins I’ve found with similar functionality for two reasons:

    1. You don’t need to modify any WordPress code.
    2. You need only check a box when you want to make something sticky.

    Other stuff that you might want to know: Adhesive uses post meta fields to store its sticky status. Sticky posts only appear in the categories that they’ve been assigned to. If you’ve modified your index.php heavily (fetching the $posts array in a different way than the default), then this plugin may not work for you. Adhesive should maintain the posts_per_page setting in your options – I’m not sure whether other sticky plugins do this.
    The upside is that if if doesn’t do what you want, you can just deactivate it and delete it. ??
    To install Adhesive, drop the file in your plugins directory and activate it on the Plugins tab. That’s it!

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  • well, I did that, and I don’t get class=”adhesive_post” to show up anywhere. Check out https://www.footballoutsiders.com to see what I’m talking about. The top post on the list (2001 DVOA Ratings & Commentary) has been stickified. When I view source, there’s no class=”adhesive_post”. I’ve probably messed with the code in the Loop such that whatever tag the class was supposed to go into is not there anymore….and that’s why I asked the question.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    The explicit text ‘class="adhesive_post"‘ is never going to appear. It’s done through javascript. Of course, the script that’s supposed to appear isn’t appearing either.
    Some guesses as to what might cause this:
    The script is inserted via a filter on the_content(). If you’re not using the_content() in your template, this filter won’t be called.
    Alternatively, some other means of removing the sticky data from the post was employed. It’s possible that some other plugin or function you’ve got going has removed the “sticky” information from the post after adhesive has added it.
    If all else fails, you might be able to add some code to your template to test if a post is sticky:
    <?php if(in_array($post->ID, $sticky_posts)){
    //Post is sticky
    echo ' class="mystickyclass"';
    } ?>

    You could try something like that, perhaps. This code is untested, though, so I’m not guaranteeing that this will work, but it looks good.
    Nice looking site, BTW. ??

    I am trying to get this going but I can’t get the “sticky” option to appear. I have the plugin activated and I still only get the three choices. I sure could use some help.

    I made a post about my site being updated over time. I’ve since made other posts which (of course) pushes that post down the main page. I want that post to sit at the top as a sort of “notice” though. Enter the “adhesive” plugin. Seems to work great, blah blah blah, but when I go edit the post I made and make it “sticky” . . . it makes it sticky, but all the CSS for the post is gone, specifically the background colours.
    If I make a NEW post and make it “sticky” by default, then the colours don’t get lost. But if I make a post after that sticky post, the sticky post gets moved down.
    Basically this doesn’t seem to work as advertised on the tin. Or maybe I’m just doing something wrong?

    How do you remove the “STICKY TITLE – ” from the title of the Sticky Post?

    Here is an example: https://www.joshuastarling.com – I’m trying to remove the “STICKY TITLE – ” from the first post.

    [quote]How do you remove the “STICKY TITLE – ” from the title of the Sticky Post?[/quote]
    Open up adhesive.php in your wp-content/plugins directory. Down at the very bottom there’s a line:

    return ‘STICKY TITLE!’;

    Change what’s in the ticks. Bob’s yer uncle. Don’t know if it’s the “right” way, but it worked for me.

    doesnt work even when using 1.6 alpha on 1.3alpha4

    dear sir
    pls we need formula and contenet for made adhesive pls we need all formula and technical information
    for made this prudect pls we need help us for trail in my labrotary
    thank and best rgds
    abo ali edelbi

    Not sure you have seen other issues with Adhesive, but many people cannot get it to work properly….



    I quickly scanned the last few pages of this post, but I didn’t see the answer… So…

    Is there a way to get the TIME to not show up on my sticky post?



    download the new version and look at the comments in the plugin file



    I use the latest (2.1??) and the date is displayed on my sticky posts. One curiosity is that if I use the “classic” theme I get an “Important message”, no date but time displayed. If I use wordpress 1.5 default I get no “important message”, I DO get the date, but no time… file put in plugin dir and activated. checkbox clicked in wordpress. no other config.



    (Using WP 1.5 and Adhesive 2.1)

    The text of my sticky post is duplicated when the sticky is displayed. For example, the sticky I have on my front page looks like this:

    Filed under: Front Page a€?? MovieLady @ 11:47 am a€?? Edit

    Testing out the sticky post feature.

    Testing out the sticky post feature.

    Even though when I edit the post, it only shows “Testing out the sticky post feature.” in the post box and there is nothing in the excerpt box. Help!

    I get the plugin to work, but it won’t get styled no matter how I do it. tried to add the class in my style.css file in 10 different ways now and no luck.

    Any suggestions? ??

    Thanks in advance!

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