• This thing was kind of a proof of concept for something else I was doing, but it seems to work well enough to release.
    Adhesive is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily mark posts as sticky. Adhesive is different than other plugins I’ve found with similar functionality for two reasons:

    1. You don’t need to modify any WordPress code.
    2. You need only check a box when you want to make something sticky.

    Other stuff that you might want to know: Adhesive uses post meta fields to store its sticky status. Sticky posts only appear in the categories that they’ve been assigned to. If you’ve modified your index.php heavily (fetching the $posts array in a different way than the default), then this plugin may not work for you. Adhesive should maintain the posts_per_page setting in your options – I’m not sure whether other sticky plugins do this.
    The upside is that if if doesn’t do what you want, you can just deactivate it and delete it. ??
    To install Adhesive, drop the file in your plugins directory and activate it on the Plugins tab. That’s it!

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  • Using the latest version of Ahesive, I am getting a Javascript error in WP1.5. Other than this, seems to work fine:

    I believe this is the line fro mteh resulting page:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>window.document.getElementById(‘post-2’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;</script>Message

    Any ideas on how to resolve the error?

    Its the same with me. I think the javascipt does not work, because then there would be the css-class be described. But I can#T say, why this does not work. Any help?
    The Plug itself works fine, only the css cannot be adapted.

    I adore Adhesive, but I have a question about it. In the custom options, there is a number in the value of the sticky. I assume that this is the order in which the sticky appears on the web page, right? Maybe not. Maybe it’s on and off.

    Anyway, is there any way of changing the order of the sticky as it appears on the page or do I have to change the publish date in order to change the order?


    I installed adhesive 1.5 on my WP1.5.3 site at The Naked Truth. It’s activated, but I don’t see a little checkbox in the write post page, not even in the post status area.

    Any help would be great. TIA!


    OK Problem fixed. I updated to the beta, which is never my preference…but it appears to be working now or rather at least I get the checkbox.

    OK It’s being sticky but I can’t get the .adhesive_post css stuff to work. ?? I now have 2.1 beta.

    Whats wrong with using the method outlined under multiple loops in the codex?

    Lorelle – don’t know if you ever got your answer, but CG-PostOrder specifically allows you to set the order of stickies amongst themselves without changing the post data at all. So if you have two posts ordered, and want an older post always at the top, you can give it higher priority.

    I just downloaded the latest sticky. For some reason, while testing it out, the plugin seemed to override my preference to only list 3 days worth of posts on the page; the page listed practically every post I had made! I had to deactivate the plugin.

    Has anyone else run into this problem?

    BTW – Ringmaster: the wiki on your site doesn’t come up. Is it down?

    I am having the same problem, no matter what I try I can not get the sticky styled. Help?!

    This is what I added to my css file:

    .adhesive_post { background-color: white; border:solid 1px #876d94; margin: 10px; padding: 3px; }
    Here is my website: https://www.jaqyshome.com/blog/ – the first post is actually a sticky.

    Well, jaqy, let’s start with a couple of strange errors in your site validaton.

    Add to that some HUGE images. The file size does not need to be that big. It’s taking ages for me to view your site. Yikes.

    AND your site is designed with tables, which is very bad web page design. Tables are for data not design. That is part of the long file downloading problems. No wonder you’re having trouble. The site is designed with Adobe GoLive. Yikes.

    For whatever reason, and it must be a strange one, you have the adhesive_post class INSIDE a javascript. There are javascripts and odd things all over your code.

    AND, it’s been 8 minutes and I still get a report that the page is loading or reloading or whatever it is that is taking so long for all the parts and pieces.

    Clean up the core template files of tables and javascripts and get down to the basics of clean and professional code and your site will be much happier all the way around.

    OK I don’t appreciate the rude comments about designing in tables – I know plenty of designers that design using tables. It may not work well for wordpress, but for other sites it is just fine.

    You must be on a 56K modem dial up. Cause the images pop right up for everyone I know viewing it. The file sizes are not large at all either.

    I use golive because while not NEW to web design, I do not know all of html coding by heart and you know what, for every other site I design, it works just fine.

    As far as the adhesive_post class being inside of a javascript, im not sure how that is possible or what file you are looking at, because when I look at it in the CSS file it is just as it should be, all alone.

    Jaqy –

    I’m on cablemodem, and it certainly took into double-digit seconds to load the page the first time. Not sure if I hit 20+ or not. Second refresh took maybe, I dunno, 4-5s before my statusbar stopped flickering. I’d agree you likely could compress/shrink your images and make the site much more accessible — if you care about it. Your site has something like 550K of images on the homepage (rough guess), and lots of small elements to load. That’s not criticism, just reality! ??

    I haven’t looked much under-the-hood, otherwise like the overall design/look of the site. Very smooth.


    And this has what to do with the sticky plugin problem?

    To coin a phrase, Yikes!

    Her page loaded in under 10 seconds for me here in Houston, Texas. Of course, it IS the middle of the night, and I AM on broadband.

    And Go Live isn’t that bad a program. Yeesh. It’s not like she’s using Front Page {{shudders}}. I got started on Adobe Page Mill, so that kinda dates me. But I switched to EvrSoft 1st Page 2000 and have been using it for years. It forces you to write code, but helps as you go.

    Since the others hi-jacked the post and segued into bad web design, I figure I can hi-jack it again and talk about HTML editors.

    I haven’t seen a good sticky plugin since I was using WP Wuh Wuh and I’m going to go ahead and try this one and see what happens since I am in a plugin-happy mode of late.

    And I return a few minutes later, to add:

    Oh, Lorelle, you BAD GIRL! I see you “made” Owen Winkler write a link categorization program. I’m itching to try that too. Saw it when I went to download the sticky plugin.

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