• Hi,
    Site: https://www.os42.com
    I have added the Adhesive plugin [from https://www.asymptomatic.net] to my site. It has been activated and it shows a ‘sticky’ checkbox but it doesn’t appear to be working as it should. I have tried to make one particular post a sticky but it just isn’t happening.
    Running on 1.2 Mingus.
    Any one else had this problem or know what I may be doing wrong?
    Thanks for any advice suggested ??

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  • FYI, for those using Rich’s fix, the line to be commented out is now 109 (for latest version anyway).

    I uploaded today to three 2.x WP blogs. Worked perfectly.

    Be sure to click “configure” from the WP plugins page.

    After searching for the missing Adhesive plugging I manage to find it here https://www.refreshingideas.net/eligorin/adhesive.zip (Thanks to Design Pastor)

    … and after installing it in my first WP (v 2.0.4) YES IT WORKS ??
    Great plugging and really needed – Thanks Owen! (I think)

    … but (and I hate to say this), it crashes with the only other “hack” I have used so far.

    A “hack” that I’m using it in the Home Page to reverse the order of the posting – found here https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/40792

    adding …
    <?php $wp_query = new WP_Query('order=ASC'); ?>
    Just before …
    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?><?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    I think there is little support available nowadays for this Adhesive plugging, but is there any one that have a similar situation?

    I would love to be able to use both, now is either one or the other. You can see my 24-hrs-old Blog in my profile, but is likelly to change a bit in the next few days.

    Thanks any way, this looks a great community!


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