• Hello everybody!

    I have downloaded and installed the theme Shade pro from themespinner (https://ericulous.com/2008/09/16/wp-theme-shade-pro/) and seem to have it working. There is just one thing that I do not understand. At the moment, I have a homepage, and I can make new categories. But these new categories do not appear in the headermenu (blue tabs) unless I post a blog into them. And I do not want to.

    What I want to do is add a few pages (WP 2.7) to my theme to put contact, about etc. on. These do not need posts on them, but standard content that never changes! When I just try to add a new page, this page only appears in the right menu, and not in the headerbar. So this isn’t my sollution either.

    To my knowledge (which is limited) I can not simply add a category or a page to solve my problem being that they do not appear in the headermenu.

    Here is the codebit that is in header.php and home.php that should control the headermenu, if I am right:

    		// Category Sort options
    		global $categories_sort;
    			$categories_sort = 'sort_column='. get_settings('Shade_sortcategories');
    		// Exclude Categories options
    		global $categories_to_exclude;
    			$categories_to_exclude = 'exclude='. get_settings('Shade_excludecategories');
    		<?php wp_head(); ?>
    		<div id="header">
    			<div class="header">
    				<a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><img src="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-content/themes/Shade/img/logo.gif" alt="Logo" /></a>
    					require_once( 'wp-content/plugins/printcatslist.php' );
    					KFPrintCategories( $categories_to_exclude, false );

    Pherhaps the problem can be solved in ‘printcatslist.php’, I do not know. I now think that this is only used for coloring active links, but….

    This is the code from that document:

    Plugin Name: Category Highlight
    Plugin URI: https://www.karlforshaw.co.uk
    Description: Highlights the category your currently viewing in the top navigation. <b>Note:<b> Only works in (ver: 2.1+)
    Author: Karl Forshaw
    Author URI: https://www.karlforshaw.co.uk
    Modifications: Ryan Maffit
    Modifier URL: https://www.ryanmaffit.com/
    	function KFPrintCategories( $categories_to_exclude ) {
    		// Check args
    		if (empty( $categories_to_exclude )) {
    			$arg_string = 'orderby=name';
    		else {
    			$arg_string = 'orderby=name&exclude=' . $categories_to_exclude;
    		// Get the category list
    		$categories = get_categories( $arg_string );
    		// Get the current category
    		global $wp_query;
    		$current_category = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
    		echo "<li".(is_home() ? " class=\"active\"" : "")."><a href=\"".get_bloginfo('siteurl')."\"><span>Home</span></a></li>";
    		// Echo the output
    		foreach ($categories as $cat) {
    			echo "	<li class=\""; 
    			if (is_home()) {
    				// Do Nothing
    			elseif ((! empty( $current_category )) && ($current_category == $cat->term_id)) {
    				echo ' active';
    			elseif ( in_category( $cat->term_id ) ) {
    				echo ' active';
    				echo "\">
    						<a title=\"View all posts filed under {$cat->name}\" href=\"" . get_category_link( $cat->term_id ) . "\"><span>{$cat->name}</span></a>
    		// Done.. phew!

    If there is anyone who knows where I should look to fix this problem, and make some categories ‘static’ (appear in the header menu always!), please tell me.

    I thought of one thing: uploading new documents called about.php, contact.php etc to the directory where also home.php is, code them exactally like home.php (copy paste the html/php), and then somehow link these pages together to get a lot of ‘home.php’ pages in code, that all have different names. Sounds complex, but I am a real beginner! I wouldn’t know where to start as well.

    thanks a lot for helping in advance!

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