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  • Plugin Support Md Mazedul Islam Khan


    The admin-ajax.php is an internal WordPress file and which should be crawlable by the search engines. We recommend you to simply click mark as fixed button from your Google Search Console property to fix the issue.

    Hi @mazedulislamkhan, this solution doesn’t quite work.

    Perhaps Googlebot changed the way that they treat Disallow: /wp-admin/, and now _maybe_ a disallow will override an allow that follows it within the same path?

    I have the same exact problem, and when I click “Mark as Fixed,” the problem returns automatically.

    Here is the robots.txt:

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    I’ve tried this with Yoast, without Yoast, with a default WordPress theme, and with a custom theme.

    Regardless, here is the 400 error in Google Search Console:

    Googlebot couldn’t access this page because the server didn’t understand the syntax of Googlebot’s request.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Joe Westcott.

    The issue lies in the site map.

    Delete all site maps from search console. and remove that sitemap line from your robots.txt.

    The issue of finding a valid way to create a sitemap and auto upload to search console is still not solved and is on my current list of mania projects.

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