• Resolved EmuZone


    Desktop and Mobile error: When reducing the window size from normal to the breakpoint the admin bar menu items get pushed behind the admin bar background I think, and you can’t see them.

    Mobile error only: When viewing website admin pannel in mobile you can’t see the toggle mp6 menu, toggle menu must be getting pushed behind the admin bar background and so you can’t see it or use it.

    I’m not sure if these errors are due to the latest release as I only started using MP6 today!


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  • Thread Starter EmuZone


    Desktop and Mobile error: Home page only!

    Plugin Author Till Krüss


    What WordPress and MP6 version are you running? What browser/OS are you on?

    Thread Starter EmuZone


    ? WordPress Version 3.5.2
    ? WordPress language is set to en-US
    ? Linux operating system, Release/Version 2.6.18-308.4.1.el5PAE / #1 SMP
    ? i686 computer hardware
    ? php Version 5.3.25
    ? php memory_limit 256M
    ? Zend engine Version 2.3.0
    ? Web Server software is Apache
    ? MySQL Version 5.5.30-cll

    OS for Mobile: Android.
    OS for Desktop: Windows 7.

    MP6 Version 1.8

    These errors are not due to any of my WordPress Themes.

    Possible Location of the problem!
    mp6 ? components ? responsive ? css ? admin-bar.css
    mp6 ? components ? responsive ? css ? moby6.css

    Thread Starter EmuZone


    Browser: Google Chrome – Latest Version.

    Plugin Author Till Krüss


    What does your browser console return if you execute: jQuery.fn.jquery;?

    Thread Starter EmuZone


    Whats jQuery.fn.jquery;?

    How is jQuery.fn.jquery; executed?

    When is jQuery.fn.jquery; executed?

    Where is jQuery.fn.jquery; located?

    jQuery’s executed in console!

    JQMIGRATE: Logging is active jquery-migrate.js:21
    JQMIGRATE: jQuery.browser is deprecated jquery-migrate.js:40
    console.trace() jquery-migrate.js:42
    migrateWarn jquery-migrate.js:42
    Object.defineProperty.get jquery-migrate.js:57
    (anonymous function) fancybox.min.js:4
    (anonymous function) fancybox.min.js:32
    fire jquery.js:1037
    self.fireWith jquery.js:1148
    jQuery.extend.ready jquery.js:433
    completed jquery.js:103
    Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html: "https://www.codecentral.org/".

    jQuery’s executed in console without responsive css!

    JQMIGRATE: Logging is active jquery-migrate.js:21
    JQMIGRATE: jQuery.browser is deprecated jquery-migrate.js:40
    console.trace() jquery-migrate.js:42
    migrateWarn jquery-migrate.js:42

    jQuery’s executed in console with responsive css on admin dashboard!

    JQMIGRATE: Logging is active load-scripts.php:9620
    JQMIGRATE: jQuery.attrFn is deprecated load-scripts.php:9639
    console.trace() load-scripts.php:9641
    migrateWarn load-scripts.php:9641
    Object.defineProperty.get load-scripts.php:9656
    s jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    jQuery.extend.each load-scripts.php:648
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/x-font-woff: "data:application/x-font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GRgABAAAAAClEAA4AAAAAQ…ewp7CnsKewp7CnCD27CrsKuwq7CrsKu4qsZ19hX2FfYV9hX5Hrb+euH4YAAAAAAVHIeo4AAA==". www.codecentral.org/:241
    JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.live() is deprecated load-scripts.php:9639
    console.trace() load-scripts.php:9641
    migrateWarn load-scripts.php:9641
    jQuery.fn.live load-scripts.php:10060
    (anonymous function) akismet.js:32
    fire load-scripts.php:1037
    self.fireWith load-scripts.php:1148
    jQuery.extend.ready load-scripts.php:433
    completed load-scripts.php:103
    Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type font/woff: "https://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/opensans/v6/xjAJXh38I15wypJXxuGMBtIh4imgI8P11RFo6YPCPC0.woff". www.codecentral.org/:672
    Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type font/woff: "https://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/opensans/v6/PRmiXeptR36kaC0GEAetxrsuoFAk0leveMLeqYtnfAY.woff". www.codecentral.org/:672
    Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type font/woff: "https://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/opensans/v6/PRmiXeptR36kaC0GEAetxmWeb5PoA5ztb49yLyUzH1A.woff".

    jQuery’s executed in console without responsive css on admin dashboard!

    JQMIGRATE: Logging is active load-scripts.php:9620
    JQMIGRATE: jQuery.attrFn is deprecated load-scripts.php:9639
    console.trace() load-scripts.php:9641
    migrateWarn load-scripts.php:9641
    Object.defineProperty.get load-scripts.php:9656
    s jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    jQuery.extend.each load-scripts.php:648
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    (anonymous function) jquery.mobile.custom.min.js:3
    JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.live() is deprecated load-scripts.php:9639
    console.trace() load-scripts.php:9641
    migrateWarn load-scripts.php:9641
    jQuery.fn.live load-scripts.php:10060
    (anonymous function) akismet.js:32
    fire load-scripts.php:1037
    self.fireWith load-scripts.php:1148
    jQuery.extend.ready load-scripts.php:433
    completed load-scripts.php:103

    I’ve removed responsive css so not to disrupt my users until this has been resolved!

    Thread Starter EmuZone


    I am having these problems in IE10, Google Chrome, Mobile: Android!

    Plugin Author Till Krüss


    Type jQuery.fn.jquery; in your browser’s console and hit enter. What I’m trying to find out is what jQuery version your WordPress installation is using. If it’s older than 1.7, that’s why you don’t see the mobile-menu button.

    Thread Starter EmuZone



    Plugin Author Till Krüss


    Mhh, no clue. Would need to have a look at your actual website.

    Thread Starter EmuZone


    Here the link to my website https://www.codecentral.org

    Plugin Author Till Krüss


    Thanks, I also need a user login, “Subscriber” should be enough. My email is: till at kruss dot me

    Thread Starter EmuZone


    Till I’ve Emailed Your Login Details!

    Plugin Author Till Krüss


    Both css files in /wp-content/plugins/mp6/components/responsive/css/ are empty, please uninstall in re-install the MP6 plugin.

    Thread Starter EmuZone


    I know I’ve removed the .css so not to disrupt any of my user so leave me a best time for you to check the files (eg) 7pm to 8pm daily or something!

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