• once updated to version 2.2 the admin page broken
    before that everything was working great ..
    please help
    and iam afraid to uninstall plugin so it may broke my site or lost translation

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • same here –

    simple things like the wp sidebar admin menu, it wont do the drop down (like appearance – cant see the sub-menu of widgets, menus, etc).

    while editing a page – can’t change url slug

    Hi everyone.
    Thank You for your review.
    Can You enable WP_DEBUG and show what error is it? I can’t see any error.

    Thread Starter darknesso


    https://prnt.sc/ijtu4u look how it looks like if i deactivated it by changing the name of plugin folder it back working great can u tell me what to do

    Thread Starter darknesso


    also the website in english is broken tottally

    Same here :/
    All the pages in english and dutch are down on my website.

    Thread Starter darknesso


    try to replace the files in folder with the older one that worked with me

    Can anyone enable WP_DEBUG and show me the error?
    I tested this version on different sites that on different servers. And no one errors was.

    I tested for you.
    Here are screenshots of the errors:

    I reverted to version 2.1.12

    Thank You very match. Can You show me what code in your theme in ‘functions.php’ on line 191?
    This error only during update or always exist?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by VaLeXaR.

    Here’ the code I have starting at line 190:

    // https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/postpage-title-with-prefixes-en-etc-of-all-languages/
    add_filter(‘single_post_title’, ‘wpm_translate_string’);
    // end of insert
    // https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/acf-link-field-type/
    add_filter('wpm_acf_url_config', '__return_empty_array');
    // end of insert
    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function(){
    	$languages = wpm_get_languages();
    	if ( count( $languages ) <= 1 ) {
    	$screen    = get_current_screen();
    	if ( $screen && 'admin_page_wonder-layout' === $screen->id ) {
    		add_action( 'admin_head', function () {
                // Stled through the main site at:
                // https://www.iroutier.com/wp-admin/themes.php?page=admin-css-mu&settings-updated=true
    			//	h3#wpm-language-switcher,
                //    h3.nav-tab-wrapper.language-switcher,
                //    h3.nav-tab-wrapper,
                //    h3.language-switcher {
    			//		top: 234px !important;
                //        border: solid 1px red !important;
                //        z-index: 999999 !important;
                //        left: 2em !important;
                //        position: static !important;
                //        display: block !important;
                //        float: none !important;
                //        clear: both !important;
    			//	}
    		} );
    } );

    This code I added to the plugin. So You can delete the string add_filter(‘single_post_title’, ‘wpm_translate_string’);.
    Try to delete the string and update again.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by VaLeXaR.

    Your solution solved the issue.
    Thank you Valentyn!

    So no any error in the admin now?

    From my mobile, I don’t see any error in admin. So… All looks good!
    Thank you!

    Uoups! Playing on the front end with my language switch, I realized that the output is broken, and this only in the second language (EN).
    I added a screenshot in the folder above…

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