No problem, about the user wallet balances:
I found the custom field and could add it the user view via admincolumns, so that′s a workaround.
But maybe in future you could add som admincolumns functions to this page:
?page=woo-wallet so we can filter users by their wallet balance or a custom field before we make bulk transactions on them.
Then it would be easy to f.ex. debit a certain amount form everyone in a certain group or who has >x in wallet.
My workaround now is to filter in admincolumns, export to csv, edit csv, and upload transactions via importer.
About transactions:
If it′s not possible to edit view with admincolumns, then I can export with your module, when I get it.
But maybe in future you could add option to view “all” transactions in admin, not only one user at the time, on this page: ?page=woo-wallet-transactions&user_id=…
And filtering + export options, just like in admincoulmns.
Then we could extract the informations we want easy, like ?page=woo-wallet-transactions&type=debit&date>2021-03-10&details=”Wallet funds transfer”