• suraiz123



    I wanted to move my wordpress site https://www.stuff2share.com to a new hosting site. before i go with the actual process, i created 1 sub-domain on my new host https://stuff2share.genuinewebs.com

    I migrated the content of my site to a temperory sub-domain and site is loading properly. Now my issue, when open https://stuff2share.genuinewebs.com/wp-login , it is showing me the login screen. once i give user name and password and click “Login”, instead of loading the dasboard, it is opening the php code of that dashboard screen.

    (URL showing https://https://stuff2share.genuinewebs.com/wp-admin/)

    the sample of the code is

    * Dashboard Administration Screen
    * @internal This file should be parseable by PHP4.
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Administration

    /** Load WordPress Bootstrap */

    /** Load WordPress dashboard API */
    require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php’);


    and it keeeps going…. when i refresh my site, it is showing at the top as logged in as “admin” and when i click any link like Themes, customize, widgets, menus etc, it is opening its corresponding php code. Please help me to solve this issue.

    PHP 5.4 is running on the server and php.ini is also copied on my sub-domain.

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