• Resolved rodomontade


    After upgrading to 3.1, when logged in as Admin and creating a new post, I’m seeing “You are not allowed to edit this post.” when I try to save the draft. If the auto save runs, there is a little red box with a similar message below the editor.

    I don’t see this covered in the master WTF 3.1 fix list.

    I disabled all of my plug-ins and uploaded the files manually. No change.

    Has anyone found a fix for this? It’s happening on > 1 of my sites I work on.

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  • Have you tried:

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or phpMyAdmin.

    – switching to the Twenty Ten theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    Thread Starter rodomontade


    I disabled all active plugins through the admin console.

    Then I went in with FTP and renamed my plugins dir, then created an empty one.

    I switched my theme to Twenty-10.

    I deleted my wp-admin and wp-includes directory and re-uploaded them.

    I logged in as an admin, added a new post, gave it a title and a word for content. Then I tried to save the draft and got the same error.

    “You are not allowed to edit this post.”

    Thread Starter rodomontade


    Interestingly, I tried to create a new user with administrator rights, but the email from wordpress came through blank…

    New user registration on your site [MySite].com:

    And the user is not listed.

    Thread Starter rodomontade


    Further testing reveals that actually editing an existing post works fine. Only when I add a new post does it display the message about “You are not allowed to edit this post.” Actual edits are working and showing on the site. It’s only new users and new posts so far that are not actually working.

    Has anyone else had this problem with 3.1?

    Thread Starter rodomontade


    Using the QuickPress on the dashboard does not create a record in the database, either.

    Does your database user have full privileges? Does your host limit the database size?

    Thread Starter rodomontade


    That was it! The WassUp plugin had a 64M table, my hosts quota is only 100M per database. Deactivated the plugin and removed it’s tables.

    Thanks for your help, esmi!

    Sorry guys, i have the same problem on my wordpress website (hosted on my domain). I don’t have db issues, the size is under the limit, my user have full privileges, but i can’t create new posts nor change theme or uninstall plugins.

    Ideas? How to reset the user privileges via db?

    Thread Starter rodomontade


    For me, the resolution was to delete the post_category field from the wp_posts table. The field was probably left over from an older version and the upgrade process didn’t delete it successfully.

    Same issue. Was the db out of space as mentioned above.

    I have an own domain hosted WordPress blog version 3.2.1. I made a minor change to a post this morning and when I clicked ‘update’ every single post in the blog disappeared.

    I didn’t panic I thought there was no problem and I tried to restore it from a back up. First I tried to grab all the information from Blogger because I used to host it there and just left it live when I moved it across. That didn’t work although it seemed to. Then I remembered I had an xml version of the blog. So I installed the RSS import plugin and tried from there, it said I was successful but when I looked, still no posts.

    Then I tried to create a new post manually and it said

    You are not allowed to edit this post

    , even though I was logged in as administrator.

    After reading this I think it may be the clue. Anyone think this is a related problem?

    I also did have a weird thing happen to me when I was editing another blog, some message saying the Matrix has got me and to follow the white rabbit, but I have not seen that on the blog with the disappearing posts and later read that it was a harmless trick. I am starting to think there is a bit more to it than that or am I just being paranoid.

    brianrs1, I’m not sure but are we having the same issues here? https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/all-my-pages-disappeared?replies=7

    I was running into this problem. Tracked problem down to the fact WordPress is built assuming MySQL is in traditional mode, while my server had MySQL in strict mode.

    Specifically WordPress has default dates sprinkled throughout the code that are invalid, meaning they work ok if MySQL is in traditional mode, but not if MySQL is strict mode.

    Hence the solution was to either change the MySQL mode to “traditional” or fix the code. Considering I have other services running on the server, I was reluctant to change the MySQL mode, so instead I fixed the dates in the code. Turned out to be easier than it sounds, with this one line fix:

    find . -name "*.php" -print | xargs sed -i 's/0000-00-00 00:00:00/1000-01-01 00:00:00/g'

    …which goes through all the php files and finds the invalid dates 0000-00-00 00:00:00 and converts them to valid 1000-01-01 00:00:00 dates. Its possible plugins + updates I install in the future will use the same bad technique, so I may have to re-run this in the future, not to mention there might be other invalid dates that don’t match 0000-00-00 00:00:00. In any case, the above one liner worked for me.

    Just to be clear, if you’re only running wordpress, its probably wiser and easier to run MySQL in traditional mode. For others, the above mentioned solution might be appropriate.

    A “repair database” in cpanel fixed this for me…

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