• Hello, I have been going crazy trying to find out how to get to my backend. Here is my issue:

    When I go to my admin URL (https://www.followsydney.com/wp-login.php) and try logging in, it takes me to https://followsydney.wordpress.com/wp-admin/ but it is suppose to take me to my self hosted backend.

    You can look at the login link in the meta widget on my site and see that somehow it is pointing to wordpress.COM instead of my newly installed self-hosted blog.

    Is there a way to fix this issue without having to uninstall and reinstall everything?

    Please help :\

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  • govpatel


    Check your settings>>>>General if both urls are hideyoursmilingfaces.com

    Clear Cache by pressing Ctrl F5 and clear your cookies.



    Thanks for the reply. Are you referring to my settings in wordpress or in cPanel?
    Ive been told that even after the DNS transfer, it can take 24-48 hours for the process to kick in. When it does, will hideyoursmilingfacs.com/wp-admin take me to a new backend automatically?

    Thanks again



    In wordpress admin panel the urls should be same and if you just changed name servers then yes once the domain name propagated you should take to your wordpress admin panel.

    Hi all,

    i dont know this issue is solved or not. but i had a same issue 1 hours before. i had a client site on which i was working on localhost, after moving it to live server it redirects to clients wordpress blog. admin was working perfectly and i tried url checking and all but getting no luck.

    solution : after wasting my time on net, i go into files and when i check in directory, there is file index.html in main directory of my wordpress. after i open it in browser, it takes me to wordpress blog. so i basically remove that file and magic happens. my wordpress site works perfect. so, what i got the solution was removing or rename the file index.html in main directory for site and in wp-admin directory for admin.

    @rcreators: Please post your own topic.

    @esmi Theme Diva & Forum Moderator : Please Read my comment properly. i didnt put any questions in this topic. i just add one solution for this topic. and i never see in blogs that for posting solution, we have to create new post topic. still if you want, i will create new and will post its link here for future reference to other user.

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