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  • Is this like Matt Reads admin bar plugin?

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    I suppose it is similar, yes. I initially wanted to download Matt’s, but the download url no longer works.

    Mine mostly differs as follows:

    – I imagine that the admin links are not the same
    – It is a one-click install — his isn’t
    – Mine displays even when you are not logged in — to allow you to readily log in

    Yeah, he’s redoing his site, I emailed a copy to member just the other night for that reason. And yes, his requires a line of code in the header, so if you change themes, it has to be placed in each theme, and as you’ve stated, it requires to be logged in. Does this mean all visitors see the bar?

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    All visitors see a login link, as on my site.

    If they can register, they can also see a register link.

    If they log in, they see a dashboard link. And, as relevant, new post, link and page links.

    The only thing I don’t like is that it covers the content of the page. I have links in the upper right corner of my page, and the bar is in the way. I like how Matt’s is attached to the top, even though you have to put a little code in the template. Plus, I customized mine to where I can do whatever I want from the bar.

    Nothing against yours–it’s a great plugin! Just my $0.02

    It does not work on my blog…

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    You are likely missing a call to wp_footer()

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    v.2 is up.

    – no longer requires any wordpress theme plugin hooks
    – attaches itself to the top of the theme rather than ‘over’ it
    – no longer appears to non-logged in users unless you may register on your blog

    That’s some quick work! Nobody can ever accuse you of not listening! see miklb quickly downloading v.2…


    Merci bien par la nouvelle version. Parfait !

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    v.2.1 adds a skinning feature — if you drop a skin.css file into the plugin’s directory, it will be used in place of the default skin.

    This doesn’t seem to work on my IIS6 installation of wordpress. The CSS is generating a bad link
    “<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”/wordpress/c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sandbox\wordpress\

    I was hoping you might be able to do something to fix it?

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    That’s an IIS-specific problem. Please add the following lines after the defines, and visit your home page, and paste what appears:

    echo ‘<pre>’;
    var_dump(trailingslashit(str_replace(ABSPATH, ”, dirname(__FILE__))));
    echo ‘</pre>’;

    The error messages will disappear as soon as you upload the previous version of the file.

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    Before you do that, though, please try downloading the plugin again. I have uploaded what may be a fix.


    Nice job on the changes! The skin idea is really cool. And I like how you made it attach itself on top of the template as well. Now you and Matt have some good competition. However, I think I’ll stick to Matt’s for now, because I have it customized to do everything from the bar. I’m new to php and your code is a little complicated for me! I also use only one theme and adding a little code to it isn’t a problem. And I don’t have any other users on my site and I’m always logged in, so the extra functionality isn’t a necessity for me.

    Great work!

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