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  • Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    out of curiosity, which admin menu items are most frequently used and should make it to the top menu in your opinion?

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    windows bug is now fixed.

    same goes for the other plugins that were using a similar method to clean up the urls.

    options is one I liked about Matt’s

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    I’m thinking something along the lines of:

    New: Post – Link – Page | Moderate | Options | Flush | Dashboard | Logout

    Flush is for flush cache (quite useful, given the number of missing plugin hooks).


    Is the site down right now?

    Moderator James Huff


    Nope, it seems to be online and functioning properly.

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    link to options added + new icons.

    From Matt’s, this is what mine looks like now after customizing it a little yesterday:

    # Dashboard
    # Write
    # Manage
    # Links
    # Themes
    # Plugins
    # Users
    # Options
    # Logout
    # —
    # Followed by links I mostly use like Gmail, etc.

    I have it going across my whole screen with everything I need–I love it!

    I woke up this morning and the plugin had magically stopped working. Not a clue what happened and have tried everything to get it woking again. Deleted it and re-installed. Nothing. Tried hacking the code in the theme as well. Looks like the body onload isn’t working.

    Any ideas?

    Using Admin Bar 2 now, but I’m gonna have to check this one out. ??

    Edit: Hmm, doesn’t even show up. It must not like WordPress v2. Well, back to Admin Bar, but even it doesn’t work 100% right with WPv2. ??

    Found the problem.

    Options > reading > bottom check for gzip pages

    If gzip pages is used the plug dies. Unchecked it works.

    Ah, yep, works like a charm now with GZip disabled. Cool plugin, shame it requires GZip to be off.

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    this plugin uses the output buffer => I’m not sure it’ll work with gzip set to on. the gzip feature isn’t very useful in today’s networks, either, so I’m presuming this isn’t a big issue.

    Having the ability to not do a 1-click install (i.e. one similiar to Admin Bar) might be a good idea for those insisting on using GZip (which I’m actually leaving off as you’re right, there’s not really a need).

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    possibly, but not readily feasible: it’s simple to disable the ‘do nothing’ installation when the auto_display is called later, e.g. my fuzzy recent plugins. it’s more hassle to disable it when the call occurs earlier.

    also, the gzip problem is due to a wordpress design mistake as far as I can tell.

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