• Hi. I absolutely LOVE the new look of 2.4 bleeding. The menus are much more thoughtful and bunched well.

    But please, please, please consider doing a CSS dropdown menu on mouseover. For going into, say, theme editor, there is no need for me to first click on Manage and then on Theme Editor!

    I have been using the excellent Advanced-Admin-Menus by Andy Staines, but that is broken with 2.4 bleeding edge.

    I’m all for new updates, but please sit back and design functionality so that next versions don’t have to break everything useful that users become comfortable with. WP is now mature enough to expect this of itself.

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  • I second the request !



    I don’t like the new admin panel, in fact I hate it, but I second this request. I too use the advanced admin menu plugin.
    I realize 2.5 is a big update, but I think it’s not backwards compatible enough.



    I could not be more unhappy with the “new” admin. Yuck. Wastes valuable space with blank space. The admin page is too tall. It’s too big. As if designed for people with failing eyesight. I do not like it at all. Current Admin is much better from a practical user interface point of view.



    I opened a trac ticket regarding this. Currently slated for 2.7 I believe.

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