Hi @stagger-lee,
We are happy to help everyone, but I’m going to ask that you keep your comments civil per the forum guidelines. Thank you.
All admin notices in the plugin use the WordPress admin notices API and have been tested to work properly.
Please be aware that when we add a plugin to the Known Conflicts and Plugin Issues list, and it is known and documented that the two are not compatible (which is only done for good reason), if you choose to try to use them together, you do so at your own risk.
As noted above:
Please note that we don’t provide support here at the forums, but we do provide excellent support through our site, which is better equipped to help our plugin users.
Please direct all support requests to the plugin’s official support venue, the WP-SpamShield Technical Support page.
We are more than happy to provide tech support, but if you choose not use the not to use the provided support URL, then I’m sorry but there is not much more we can do to help.
–- Steven