In order to support browser/desktop notifications, Vik Booking voluntarily loads just a few CSS/JS assets in the wp-admin pages. The whole list of required assets are only loaded inside the wp-admin pages of Vik Booking.
Moreover, every admin-widget of Vik Booking gets pre-loaded, and so if an admin-widget requires a specific JS asset, then this will be loaded as well. This is done to support browser notifications and their related actions (clicks) on any wp-admin page.
However, we enqueue the scripts through the WordPress native functions, but we actually don’t initialize any third party plugin such as Select2 or intlTelInput. This means that if the other plugins on your website were loading the same assets through WordPress, no conflicts could ever be possible. It is not like we reset jQuery UI by reloading it statically, we simply do it through the WordPress native functions without ever invoking such JS helpers. Therefore, no settings should be harmed.
We believe the conflicts you are having are caused by the fact that the other plugins are not enqueuing their JS assets correctly through the WordPress native functions. Our suggestion is to check the source code of the pages showing conflicts, and eventually contact also the other plugin developers.
As an alternative solution, there’s a way to stop Vik Booking from loading certain admin-widgets by registering a specific hook documented on our website to “unload” some admin-widgets. However, by doing so, your wp-admin section would no longer support browser/desktop notifications unless you are inside a page of Vik Booking.
The VikWP Team