• takezo.akira


    I’ve done an auto-update from 3.0.5 to 3.1, everything was right.

    I have several blogs on the same WP instance (multiblog), everything is fine (and fast) on the FRONT. The blogs are OK.
    But the BACK (admin) is VERY slow, like 2 min to open a page…!

    I have no idea…so i had to go backl to 3.0.5 ??

    Anybody having the same problem ?

    I have this extensions:
    AddToAny Version .
    Akismet Version 2.4.0
    Postcasa Shortcode Version 1.0
    Google Analytics for WordPress Version 4.0.9
    jQuery Colorbox Version 1.0
    Viper’s Video Quicktags Version 6.3.0
    WP-Syntax Version 0.9.9

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  • simplyDelicio.us


    i guess it would have helped to read the post just above my rant where chattan said “I tried removing the admin bar from my profile” (keywords here are USER PROFILE), but sometimes i get so annoyed with wordpress (dare i say i would ever use any other besides them), and i just had to vent after losing my entire morning to dealing with this headache…..oh, and by the way, removing that useless admin bar did the trick, and i can actually once again see edit changes occur right before my very eyes……go figure



    you can disable it sitewide by putting this small code in your functions.php

    /* Disable the Admin Bar. */
    add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );



    I tried putting ianaleksander’s code at the beginning of functions.php but couldn’t then login. Wrong module? Wrong place?

    I reverted to updating my user profile and this time I was able to uncheck both admin bar options and save changes. No effect on delay times though, still 5+ minutes.

    Tried doing some network admin: went to update network, waited ages, said it had completed ok but message wouldn’t disappear from top line.

    Tried looking at my sites: dashboard said 15, but when I clicked on my sites, it reckoned I didn’t have any.

    So, slow as death and no sites any more. Am I officially dead?



    hopefully the guys at wordpress will soon realize the err of this monumental mistake and post up another update…..the admin bar serves no good purpose whatsoever and only causes heartache and problems



    That was a rhetorical question. I think I’m alive.

    Decided to run upgrade.php which was cathartic. Response times now as fast as shit from a shovel.

    Some warning shots about accessing one of my multi-sites, but it’s there ok and the protests stopped after log off/on. Network update message has vanished also.

    May have to revert to real work tomorrow. Long day today…



    is that slow or fast? I can’t tell with the metaphor, haha.

    Sorry that code didn’t work for you, it’s pasted directly from my functions – don’t know where I originally found it.



    That is fast, but local variations in ordure and implement could introduce a wide observation range.

    Don’t worry about the code. Now that I’ve got a workround from settings changes, it’s cleaner to avoid patching and wait for a fix release which I hope will tidy things up properly.



    I’m still having this issue despite having disabled the admin bar.
    I don’t beleive it’s a plugin problem as I have an exact copy locally of the site and it’s running fine – so perhaps I have a connection/site host issue?

    I am unable to access my posts at all via the normal route (just hangs though I haven’t just left it to see if it finally works) but can sometimes get to them by clicking categories from the dashboard and then clicking the number next to the category I want to edit.
    I have 113 posts which I don’t think is that many!?
    Similarly with Pages of which I only have 13.

    This is making the site uneditable.
    I don’t think it’s an issue with my host, as I have other sites with them and do not have the issue, although they are on different boxes.
    I seem to be going round in circles trying to figure out what is going on.
    Anyone else still having a problem after disabling the admin bar?



    As above, my site was still slow after disabling the admin bar, but running upgrade.php fired things into life (I think it synched my database with 3.1). Try yourdomain/wp-admin/upgrade.php in your browser bar.



    I tried what chattan mentioned and my multisite installs also sped back up.



    I have tried the yourdomain/wp-admin/upgrade.php suggestion but I simply get a message saying no upgrade required and it’s still very slow.
    Clicking on Pages from the dashboard takes about 30 seconds to access and Posts is taking 3 minutes+.
    Other wordpress installations (same version) I have on different servers are also fine – its just this one site.
    Finally the admin of the site is fast and accessible through a different broadband provider which makes me think it’s my ISP. But why would it be just for this one site?
    I am truly confused but will keep trying to find a solution.



    I’ve noticed this problem too. Along with the slowdown, I noticed a sharp increase in spam emails entering the queue. My initial reaction/thought was that somehow I had a security compromise. I reached the point that essentially I gutted the system, took out all the wordpress code and files (after exporting the content), and then rebuilding from scratch.

    Problem remains. Things run at a snail’s pace. I haven’t been able to test on other servers but have used different operating systems. The standard “plugins must be bad” argument doesn’t hold water as the site is now quite stripped down with very few plugins.

    The system is slowest, however, on plugin and theme admin. It is faster in updating posts.

    I’m obviously now using the most current versions of WP on a cleaned-up server. But it is slow . . . far too slow . . .



    WordPress.com has been experiencing a major ddos attack this weekend. While this shouldn’t theoretically affect www.ads-software.com, the akismet.com spam control service is operated out of wordpress.com, so maybe there is some linkage here.

    it is a mystery, nonetheless.



    Painfully slow, sticky like shit in grey hair ??



    More shovelling to report. As above, my main site and network admin functions worked ok after running upgrade.php, but I later discovered my subsidiary sites remained in a state of complete torpidity.

    I’m speculating, but I think the network update I tried last week must have timed out when everything was running dead slow. I tried it again from the network admin dashboard yesterday and it appeared to do nothing useful, so I logged out and manually applied upgrade.php to each subsidiary site in turn. This prompted the database update message for each site, and they seem to be accessible once more.

    Have the perpetrators of this shambles been shipped to Guantanamo yet?

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