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  • Same question from me? Where the hell is admin role???

    p.s. I have disabled 2.5beta, and try to go back to 2.4, and after I activated it, my dashboard is not functional anymore. Than, I needed to manually delete files via FTP client, to get back my normal dashboard.

    A lot of stress for now.

    After updated to 2.5 can not add another admin role to some specific user. Not showing admin role in AAM settings, and in Users (default wordpress) section.

    Hi guys,
    It is all on purpose. From release 2.5 we are trying to protect users who does not understand what they are doing.
    More over from now you can allow anybody to user any AAM features.

    You have to make your server as super admin. Go to ConfigPress and enter this:
    super_admin = “your admin user ID (number not username)”

    We announced this on our twitter channel so follow us to know the latest.


    Tnx mate

    Hi guys,
    I wrote a quite tutorial about new changes in AAM 2.5
    Check it here:


    Hi, I’ve wrote : [aam] super_admin = “1” like you said in my ConfigPress (it’s my ID admin, I’have check in DB) but the admin-user is locked in Control Manager.
    Is it normal ?

    Hi lull,
    It might be a case when your user have Capability Level 11 or something higher than 10. That is why it is locked.
    You can check if it is true in wp_usermeta table for your user.


    I have check in data base, but I don’t see the capability level anywhere.
    all administrator (me too, first admin) are locked in AAM.
    For me it’s not a big problem, because I have all access by default, but for the other administrator, I can changed anything.
    other problem, with my count, I can’t create an other administrator.

    thanks in advanced

    Hi lull,
    There are two places where capabilities are stored. It is wp_options table (for roles) and wp_usermeta (for individual users). In wp_options there is a property called wp_user_roles and in wp_users – wp_capabilities. These are two places where you can find Levels.
    Please notice that prefix wp_ in your database can be different. I’m assuming you specified default WordPress prefix during WordPress installation.

    It is advanced topic, so be careful!


    hi, my capability level (first admin) is a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}
    so 13 ?
    what I have to do with that, I must changed it (I think it’s dangerous, I don’t want to changed that)?

    In fact, with your plugin we can’t editing an other admin role ?

    Hi lull,
    a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;} is called a serialized string where s:13 means that there are 13 characters. If you change it, you’ll break the system.
    Instead I would recommend you to read


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