• Moderator Marius L. J.


    Hi there, and thank you for this wonderful plugin!

    I have some suggestions for your future updates of the plugin, that I hope you will consider going forward, as it would make things much easier for many users.

    Currently I see you are not using the tags system for releases, this means any existing version of the plugin is deleted whenever you make an update. This causes issues for example in scenarios where a user has used your plugin via composer packages, since the packages now no longer exist and will break a deployment.

    Adopting the use of tags is very easy, and actually a best practice from the plugins team as well (see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/plugins/wordpress-org/how-to-use-subversion/#always-tag-releases), this also allows users to downgrade if a breaking bug should accidentally sneak in with a release. This is doubly important with the availability of automated updates in WordPress core. (See the plugin teams recommendations about this at https://make.www.ads-software.com/plugins/2021/03/16/trunk-vs-tags-which-is-better-tags/)

    Again, thank you for all the hard work you put into this, it is very much appreciated!

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