• Resolved yellowmart


    I updated SAM PRO (free) to today and do not display anymore.
    On the pages of mu blog I have this error :

    …..fr/wp-content/plugins/sam-pro-free/sam-pro-layout.php Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    Can you fixe this please ?
    Thanks !


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  • marcodifresco


    I have the same problem (found this thread exactly because I was investigating the issue).

    Plugin Author minimus


    Clear all caches (admin, front, browser). The file “sam-pro-layout.php” is not exists in new version…



    Tried, but no ads.

    In my specific case, I don’t have any error message, but simply no ads (and they were showing before the update).

    If you want to check the html code, my site is https://www.silicongadget.com/.


    Plugin Author minimus


    Hi! I checked your site. I don’t know why, but your copy of installed plugin contains one or several old files from the previous version. I also checked the copy of plugin in the WordPress repository – all right. I recommend you manually reinstall plugin.

    Thread Starter yellowmart


    Thank you minimus it worked !
    Do my visitors need to clear their browser cache to see my ads ?



    In my case unfortunately it didn’t work.

    I accessed my site via FTP, I deleted the current installation of the plugin, I uploaded the new version, and I delete the cache (both on my site end and on my computer), but still no ads. ??

    Plugin Author minimus


    Do my visitors need to clear their browser cache to see my ads ?

    No, only you for testing your own site…

    Plugin Author minimus


    I accessed my site via FTP, I deleted the current installation of the plugin, I uploaded the new version, and I delete the cache (both on my site end and on my computer), but still no ads.

    Maybe your provider is using cloud storage and in this case you should wait until the server, located near your location, updates it own data.
    Maybe your provider is using it own cache for storage clients data. In this case you should wait until cache will be flushed by timer.
    I recommend you to ask your provider why your software is not upgraded.



    almost solved.

    One of the issues was that, while I tried to debug the issue before joining this post, I re-pasted the part of the DoubleClick code that goes on the head, but I forgot to remove the following two lines of codes (as they always created blanks ads on my site):

    Removing those most of the ads returned, but not all.

    A note on my setup: on your plugin I have created few “places” with a default ad code and then I created individual ads (linked to those places) that target some specific categories on my site (using “Enable restriction for categories” under “Extended Restrictions”).

    On the categories and specific posts that do not have a specific ads, the default code (on the “place” config) are showing correctly. The ads that are not showing are the ones with the specific ads.

    To give an example (in case the source has some clue):
    this page doesn’t have tageted ads and it is showing the “place” default ad correctly;
    this page on the other end should have specific ads (those create under “Ads” section), but nothing is showed.

    And they were showing before the last update so I presume that I have created (and linked to the places) them correctly.

    Thanks in advance.

    Plugin Author minimus


    I see that the issue is not solved… Plugin requests non existing file (old file)…
    Create thread on the support forum and send me screenshot: Plugins->Editor ->SAM Pro (Free Edition)->sam.pro.layout.min.js



    I have created the thread as requested.

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