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  • same here. Not using the All in One WP Security plugin though. Thought it could be something to do with php 5.3 and 5.4 but nop.

    Same problem here, plugin works but “Ads” menu is gone

    Same issue here using WP4.1 Anyone find a fix yet?



    Okay, still not working

    I removed ALL plugins and tried WP125 on default WP themes (twentyfifteen, twentyfourteen, twentythirteen).

    I do note that there is a message (during install) that says:

    Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.

    So I suspect it’s not fully compatible with WP 4.1.1?

    Anyone hear anything form the developer? Anyone have a fix?




    Also, forgot to mention, from the description:

    Requires: 2.8 or higher
    Compatible up to: 3.9.2
    Last Updated: 2014-5-30



    When logged in as administrator, if I manually try to access the admin for WP125, by typing in the url:


    the error message displayed is:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    (And other manually entered plugin admin URLs work with no issue – Only WP125 does not work – Even by itself, as the only plugin).



    Okay, I found a fix!

    Here’s the issue in this case. The ability to edit themes within WordPress is a security issue. One of the recommendations is to disable editing of files within WordPress. This information is posted within the WordPress Codex (in “Hardening WordPress”):

    “The WordPress Dashboard by default allows administrators to edit PHP files, such as plugin and theme files. This is often the first tool an attacker will use if able to login, since it allows code execution. WordPress has a constant to disable editing from Dashboard. Placing this line in wp-config.php is equivalent to removing the ‘edit_themes’, ‘edit_plugins’ and ‘edit_files’ capabilities of all users…”

    When I observed this file (in the plugin): wp125.php

    I also observed this line of code:

    define("MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION", "edit_themes");

    Since file editing from within WordPress is disabled for enhanced security, I edited the permissions to the following:

    define("MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION", "edit_users");

    After the above edit and upload back to the server, the menu option now appears.

    Gret find RogerWheatley, worked again!



    @RogerWheatly Agree – great find! So it would seem that the “All In One WP Security” plugin disables editing and then perhaps does not re-enable it when the plugin is deactivated (looking at one of the earlier posts.) Is that what is going on here? Does it perhaps add define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); to the wp-config.php file?



    Has this been abandoned?



    In this case “All In One WP Security” was not in use. Rather a more direct security setting is in place; as a manual edit to wp-config.php as:

    //disable file editing for security purposes
    define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

    which I assume does the same as that plugin?

    Either way, I’m happy the code tweak has helped some people. I hope the developer picks up on this and rolls it as an update.

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