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  • Thread Starter miker1r


    I’ve seen a tutorial in Spanish, that says how to insert ads at the end of the articles, maybe you can help.

    go to the template> code and give Expand gadgets. Then find the line:

    <div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′>

    AND ABOVE that line put your Adsense code. But to place the code, you must pass it to plain text with this tool:

    Surely the ads will be in the HOME.
    Then, for adsense ads, just them look inside the entrance and end. Should be placed in this way.

    <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "item"’>

    I hope you serve greetings

    Hi there,

    I unchecked the ‘Auto Insert Related Posts or add <?php zemanta_related_posts()?> to your single post template’ option and the posts are still being displayed below my content. I want to remove the auto insert and manually use the php function listed above to display the posts, but when I uncheck the box and add in that function the related posts are displaying twice, stacked on top of eachother.

    For now, I have modified the plugin core init.php file and commented out the zem_rp_add_related_posts_hook($content) function which seems to have solved it temporarily, but as you are aware I don’t want to keep this solution in place because it will be removed upon updating the plugin.

    Any idea why that checkbox doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do?


    thanks for reaching out – I’ll gladly help. If you don’t mind me asking, which theme do you use? Also, do you have by any chance the “Related Posts” widget inserted in the “Primary Sidebar”/”Footer Widget Area”,…? Please check the screenshot.

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Hi there, thanks for responding. The theme I am using is custom built by myself. The only place I am using the related posts is at the bottom of single posts which I am not utilizing the widget for. As it stands, the widget remains unactive.

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