• Hi Christine.

    Firstly thanks for a great theme, I have a nice little Adsense site ticking over well with it! ??

    I am now trying to split test my way to increased CTR’s and want to add a banner image to my header.

    Currently I have a logo header image on my site. I tired to get the images to sit on top of it but couldn’t manage. Is there a way of doing this?

    Also when I removed the image and just added a site headline the font was huge and took up the whole header. Would there be a way of making the headline font smaller and then adding the header to the right of it?

    Any help wold be really appreciated!



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  • Theme Author Christine Rondeau


    Hi Tim,

    I’m not sure that there’s an easy way to do this without making a child theme. I can’t see a link to your site, so can’t see if you are using a child theme or not.

    I would think that without making a child theme and adding a section to the header, a plugin might also work.
    Have you looked into adsense or banner plugins?

    Thread Starter tim_marston


    Hi Christine here is my site

    Yes, I am using a child theme but TBH I’m not really sure what that means lol!

    An Adsense or header plugin is a good idea, I will give that a go.

    Thanks for the tip!

    Theme Author Christine Rondeau


    In your child theme, what you can do is modify the header.php.
    Just go in your parent theme, copy the header.php and put it in your child theme.

    Then open that file and on line below:
    <div id="page" class="hfeed site">

    insert the following:

    <div class="banner">
    <!-- your banner ad goes here -->

    Then in your style.css, you can add:

    .banner {
    height: 100px;
    width: 100%;

    You can of course change the CSS to whatever you need.

    If you haven’t found a plugin that takes care of this, then this can be a good way.
    I like Ad Rotate -https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/adrotate/

    If you want to learn more about child themes, you can start here – https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes
    You’ll see at the very bottom, that there are more links too.

    Good luck.

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