• HI

    I updated the plugin but now get this error:

    Warning! WP Super Cache caching was broken but has been fixed! The script advanced-cache.php could not load wp-cache-phase1.php.

    The file /hermes/waloraweb027/b812/moo.jameswebadmin/icclear.net/wp-content/advanced-cache.php has been recreated and WPCACHEHOME fixed in your wp-config.php. Reload to hide this message.

    However, when I reload the page (as in refreshing the webpage) the error stays.
    What exactly should I be reloading? the wp-config file, the php files that are causing the error?



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  • iJemz – can you email me at donncha.wp @ ocaoimh.ie? Obviously with the spaces removed from the email address.

    I need you to check a few things:
    1. Edit wp-admin/index.php on your site and after the line, require_once('./admin.php'); add the following:

    echo ABSPATH . "<br />";
    echo WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "<br />";

    2. Login to your site and reload the dashboard. It should display 2 lines and nothing else which is what the above are.

    Can you email me those 2 lines? Don’t post them here as that information shouldn’t be public.

    You can remove those 3 lines when you’re done.

    i have the same problem after the update from today.

    Robert – can you email me the same info? Was caching working before? When was the last time you looked at the source of your homepage to verify it was working? It may have been broken all this time ..

    ok , i will write you back.

    The caching has work before the update that was made in this morning.
    After the update, i see in panel the same message :

    Warning! WP Super Cache caching was broken but has been fixed! The script advanced-cache.php could not load wp-cache-phase1.php.
    The file /home//public_html/domain.org/wp-content/advanced-cache.php has been recreated and WPCACHEHOME fixed in your wp-config.php. Reload to hide this message.

    I have uninstall the plugin and installed again, and the problem it’s gone … so for me it’s solved.

    That’s great. Referring to something you said by email, it looks like you’re not the only one with some sort of “drop-ins list” in your hosting control panel containing advanced-cache.php. I found it mentioned on this old thread too. I have no idea what that is. ??

    After more searching it appears that “drop-ins” are files that go in wp-content/ like maintenance.php so that’s a red herring.

    What is WP Cache Phase 2?
    My cache isn’t working
    The log keeps saying WP Cache Phase 2
    Setting up WordPress actions
    Not caching wp-admin requests.

    every 30s but not actually doing anything.
    It takes 30min to cache 1 file.

    Hi sir,
    Please, I have exact the same issue,
    Please, Can do help me to fix that !!!


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