Advanced Editing writing posts?
Hi, I have a problem.
I’ve just installed an event calendar (Event Calendar 3.0.4 by Alex Tingle) to show future events. The problem is I can’t set a specific time for the event, just the date. In the readme file of the plugin it says “In order to set the date, you need to go to the ‘Advanced’ editing screen and
scroll down until you find the ‘Edit time:’ field.”
Ok, should be easy enough.
Only I can’t find that switch to the Advanced Editing screen.I search the online doc on and it says
WordPress has two post editing modes, basic and advanced. Typically, this basic mode is the default for writing new posts, but that can be changed with the When starting a post option in the Administration > Options > Writing SubPanel.
Ah, the option is located THERE!
Sure it is…
Just me being blind then cause I still can’t find it.Where the heck is it?!?
And after browsing and searching for a post of somebody else with the same problem here I find that I am the only one seeking for it. OK, then I AM blind!?!?If the feature’s gone since version 2.x of WP, then the doc should be updated. Since the doc functions as a Wiki I am surprised NO ONE has updated that page…
And if it’s NOT gone, would somebody tell me how to find this feat? Please?
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